Chapter 3: Memories

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Elrond's eyes grew wide in realization. He stood immediately and took a pence. "I need your help. Do you think you can?" he said to Nestarel who nodded and cleaned her nose with a piece of cloth.

So after breathtaking moments, Elrond took out a very small piece of the blade out of Frodo's shoulder and Nestarel healed the wound. "Come back to the light, Frodo Baggins. The shadow had passed." she said and felt Frodo relaxed under her touch.

"He looks stable." said Gandalf after Nestarel finished bandaging Frodo's shoulder.

Elrond nodded. "He was so lucky that Nestarel arrived in time." he said but Nestarel hardly heard their conversation.

She stood slowly and walked away from the bed. Her head was pounding hard and her chest was throbbing. Soon she felt strong arms around her and when she raised her head, her eyes met ocean blue eyes of her prince. "Nestarel." he said with his eyes full of concern.

"She needs to rest. follow me." Arwen's soft voice was the last thing Nestarel heard before her legs gave away.

Legolas quickly held her in his arms and picked her up bridal style and followed Arwen out of the room.

Arwen guided him to a room. He gently put unconscious Nestarel on the bed and looked at her. She was so pale. Her golden hair had stuck to her sweaty forehead. Legolas pulled her hair out of her face and wiped her forehead with a damp cloth that Arwen gave to him. Arwen added a few leaves of Athelas to a bowl full of boiling water and its fantastic scent filled the room. Nestarel's breathing became steady and she murmured something under her breath.

Arwen sat at the edge of the bed and took Nestarel's hand in hers. "She has consumed so much power to help Frodo. That is why she has lost her conscious." she said quietly.

Legolas shook his head and caressed Nestarel's cheek. "She had healed injuries much worse than this and has not even shed sweat." he said. "It's memories that are hurting her."

"Memories?" asked Arwen surprised, but Legolas didn't answer her.

His hands curled into fists. It was all his fault, his very own fault. Arwen saw his frustrated face and gently put her hand on his arm. Legolas turned to her. "She will be fine." she said with a smile. "Go and rest, Legolas. I will take care of her. Your negative feelings only made her feel worse."

Legolas looked back at Nestarel and he was silent for a moment. He then bent down and kissed her forehead and then stood. "Please take care of her, my lady, and when she woke up, send someone after me immediately no matter what time it is." he said to Arwen.

"I will. be sure." said Arwen reassuringly.

Legolas then bowed and left the room. When he went a little away from the room he slammed his fist to a pillar angrily. He would never forgive himself for what Nestarel should have gone through, ever. He walked aimlessly until he found himself in a balcony which had a beautiful view of the valley.

"You must not blame yourself for what happened for Nestarel."

Legolas turned and saw Lord Elrond standing there. "My lord." he said and bowed. Elrond came and stood beside him.

"As much as everyone tries to tell me that it was not my fault but it was." said Legolas and looked at Elrond who was watching him with sad eyes. "She didn't want to come that day. She said she didn't have good feelings about it. I knew that those lands were dangerous. I knew the Orcs of Gundabad were roaming there all day but still I took her there, fooled by my own pride that I can protect her in any condition." he said.

Elrond put his hand on his shoulder. "And you did. You fought hard to protect her. It almost cost your own life. You didn't want anything happen for her at all. You did that because you wanted to make her happy, because you love her." said Elrond firmly.

Legolas' head whipped toward Elrond and stared at him shocked. "Deep down you know that you love her." said Elrond. "That is why you don't let any Ellon get near her. That is why you can't see her hurt. She doesn't want you to blame yourself so stop it. She is going to feel the power of the witch-king more from now on as he gets more power and she needs you to stand strong beside her not to flee from her."

Legolas dropped his head. "I will do anything for her. All I want is her to be fine." he said desperately.

"I know, my son. I know." said Elrond and patted Legolas' shoulder.


It was before dawn when a guard knocked on Legolas' door and told him that Nestarel is awake. He almost flew to her room. He entered the room and saw her sitting between the white covers like a jewel made of pure gold. Her sleeveless light green nightgown suited her a lot. She had leaned on the pillows and was talking to Arwen with a beautiful smile on her red lips. Legolas didn't remember to be happier ever in his life than that moment.

Nestarel saw him and smiled warmly. "Legolas!" she said. "I asked Lady Arwen to not wake you up, but she insisted."

Arwen smiled at the two. "I will leave you." she said. "If you need anything, Nestarel, feel free to send after me." she then left the room.

"She is so kind and beautiful." said Nestarel quietly. Legolas went and sat at the edge of the bed. he took her hands and peered into her blue eyes. "I'm sorry to make you worried." she said calmly.

"Am I not your prince, Nestarel Umariel?" asked Legolas seriously.

"You are, my lord." answered Nestarel surprised.

"Are you not supposed to listen to my orders?" asked Legolas again.

"Yes?" answered Nestarel hesitantly, afraid of where this conversation would end.

"I promise if you don't listen to me next time I will punish you hard." he said.

Nestarel smiled at him warmly and put her delicate hand on his cheek and caressed his cheek with her thumb. "I promise to listen to you, my lord, all the time except if I see someone injured." she whispered. "I'm a healer, Legolas. I can't stand and see someone suffering when I can help him. Frodo needed my help."

"And I need you." said Legolas frustrated. Nestarel bit her lip and peered into his sad eyes. "Do you know how much it's hard for me when I see you like that? It's like the whole world fell on me. It's like someone stab me through my heart."

Nestarel took his head with her both hands. "Listen well to me, Legolas Greenleaf." she said seriously. "What happened that day was not your fault at all. you did what you could do to protect me. I never blamed you and I want you to stop blaming yourself."

Legolas peered into her eyes for a moment and then rested his forehead on hers. The morning wind blew into the room and moved the silky curtains and brought fresh air with itself. "I'm sorry." he said and closed his eyes.

"It was not your fault. Legolas, please." pleaded Nestarel and tears ran on her face.

Legolas quickly wiped her tears and kissed her cheeks. "I'm sorry. Just don't cry." he said.

"Promise me that you won't blame yourself anymore." said Nestarel.

"I will." he said and hugged her tight. he buried his nose in her silky curls and smelled in her scent. It smelled like a mixture of flowers. It was like heavens for him. The only thing that made him relaxed immediately. He then helped her to lay down on the bed again. "You should sleep. You need to rest." he said, kissed her forehead and then stood. "I will see you for breakfast." he said to Nestarel who nodded and then left the room.


A/N: Hello my dear readers. Please take a little time for voting if you like the story.

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