Chapter Five

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"Sorry, geez..."
This has been happening for hours now. Her asking questions, him giving vague answers... So on. But this was too annoying. He was on the brink of killing her already.
Error grumbles to himself. "What was that Erry?" She asks, smiling he drags his hands down his tear marks. He then covers her mouth and ties her on the ceiling with the souls. He had enough of her.

"I'm checking on him!" A voice yells. His face shows annoyance. It's the voices from above again. Not to be mixed up with Fate's Voices. "Yo Erry!" A monotone female voice speaks. "Not you four again..." He says. "There is five of us! You forgot Destiny!" "You four are the annoying ones. Destiny is calmer." "Take that back!" Another female voice speaks. "I am trying to sleep here. Shut up." This time, a male speaks. "We care so much Ryan." You can almost taste the sassiness of the first Voice From The Above speaks. "I guess since I'm the monotone one you should know me." "Euphoriiee, right?"
"I prefer Lovely or Mare, your choice. The lazy male is Ryan, the calm one, as you already know as Destiny, the spiteful one (with the underlined) is Diddly or Doodle your choice again, the quiet one is Ivory."

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