Why won't he leave me alone?

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After that first dream with Will, he won't leave me alone, every night when I go to sleep, he shows up. But during a tennis practice, I've been getting demon writing on my arm, since Elle and I knew that he likes one of us coders, so he has been leaving clues to whom he likes.

Me: Ugh, only if I can read demon writing.

Elle: we could ask Jack?

Me: yeah, good idea.

Elle:( calls Jack): Hey Jack, could you come by the tennis courts, Evie and I are trying to figure out some demon writing on Evie's arm.

Jack( on the phone): Sulre, I'll be lright ovah.

Elle:(hangs up): He'll be right here in 3,2,1.

Jack appears

Jack: Ello, codahs! Whot do u want?

Me: well, there's some demon writing on my arm, and we were wondering if u could read it?

Jack: well, I can lread eet since I am a deemon.

Me: so u can help us figure out what it says?

Jack: well, of coulrse I can, 4 my flriends! Eet says "I like the codah who's between lred and yellow."

Elle and me:(gasps)

Me:i-i-its m-m-me, since I'm  the coder between red and yellow.

Elle(mumbles):well at least it's not me, or I'll have two Cipher twins in love with me, but Bill is really over protective of me.

Jack: Yeah, tings could've gotten velry awkwahd.

The three coders stood in silence for a couple of seconds.

Me: what am I going to do? You guys know that I'm with Night-Night.

At that moment, I had two boys in love with me, and I can't decide who to be with?

Me and Will: hey reader! Whatcha think about this chapter?

Me: but the real question is who should be with?

Will: but aren't you with me already, Evie?

Me: I mean, before us, Will.

Will: ooohhh, oops.

Me: it's ok, even though I did end up marrying you.

Will: u got that right sunshine~

William (Will) Cipher x EvieWhere stories live. Discover now