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"ma'am? mrs. rice, sorry to disturb you but we're here."

kaycee slowly woke up, not even realizing that she had fallen asleep on the ride home. the exhaustion was too much for her.

"oh i'm sorry alex. i didn't mean to fall asleep." she sincerely apologized to her bodyguard. "tonight drained all of the energy out of me. all i wanted was some peace and quiet."

"it's no problem kaycee. i was overwhelmed as well. that event was insane."

she chuckled as she started collecting her belongings. "insane is an understatement."

"don't worry. you're home now. you get to relax before tomorrow."

she sighed as she looked at her 4 million dollar mansion. "i guess so." she caught herself thinking and then he started invading her thoughts. "have you heard from him? i couldn't really check my messages throughout the premiere."

"i did actually. he said he tried to call you but he figured you were busy. so he said he'll wait for you when you get back home." he smirked at her.

"okay then i better get going. wouldn't want to keep him waiting. i'll see you tomorrow, bright and early for another busy day." she sighed.

alex held her arm before she got out, causing her to look back at him. "kaycee, make sure to take time to relax. you need it. i can tell how stressed out you are and i hate to see you this way. we all do."

she lightly smiled back at him. "i'll try alex. believe me, all i wish is to take a break. have him here with me. give you a day off. we all deserve it but it seems impossible for any of that to happen."

there were a couple of seconds of silence before she finally said goodbye. "okay i'll let you go home now alex. drive safe. say hi to arielle for me."

she started making her way to the front entrance but decided sit by the massive fountain in the middle of the 2 acres of garden in front of the house. the sound of the water and being surrounded by the aroma of flowers helps relieve some stress.

she had just come home from a movie premiere she was starring in and she felt like she could breath again. she hates walking the red carpets and having all the paparazzi in her face. not to mention the after parties. she had to leave early because she just didn't want to be surrounded by all those fake celebrities only looking to get drunk and laid tonight.

if she could, she would've just skipped the whole event. but it's her movie, and everyone was excited for it to come out. she is kaycee rice - hollywood royalty; one of the most successful celebrities ever; dance prodigy turned oscar winning actress and model. her list of achievements are limitless.
she has received accolades under: Forbes 30 under 30 list, forbes top 100 most powerful women in the world, won best actress at the oscars, twice, received multiple nominations and awards for the emmys, golden globes, tony's, etc. she's gotten multiple covers on vogue.
she has achieved so much and she's only 26 years old.
she has a beautiful home. but it gets lonely at times. she wishes she had someone to share all of this with. she wishes he was here with her.

his name is sean lew; one of the top dancers and choreographers in asia and recently, worldwide. when they first met, he wasn't as well known, and he never strived for fame and success to the level that kaycee has. but after they met, their worlds collided and so much changed for the both of them.

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