Ethan bangs his fist on John's back, and avoids my gaze. I watch in awed amazement. My jaw hangs low, and I'm speechless for the first time. What was going on? Was I imagining things, or hallucinating? This whole situation is just to surreal. I take a step back and fall abruptly onto the street. My hands swing down to catch my fall. With a harrumph I land and the air is knocked out of me.

Without a hesitation Ethan hurries to my side and helps me up. I look down, embarrassed at my klutziness. In an attempt to appear nonchalant but cool I twirl around him until I'm dizzy.

He watches me slightly bemused. I giggle and collapse against him in a cheery manner, forgetting all about John.

"You're in a good mood," Ethan observes.

"Am I?" I respond thoughtlessly.

"It appears so,"

"Haha," I laugh snidely,"Well you can get drunk off of anything these days," This captures his attention, and for a quick second all he does is stare at me.

"Are you trying to tell me you're wasted?" Ethan snarls. I take a step a way from him. Absentmindedly I pick at the frayed hem of my shirt.

"I have never in my life tasted alcohol, so no I am not trying to say that," He lets out a relieved breath and starts walking with me.

For a while all we are is silent, I try to come up with some cute saying I could sputter out but nothing comes to mind. I swing my arms back and forth, clapping my hands together every once and a while.

Finally a bench appears before us and I sit down trying to seem like a lady instead of a mannerless caveman. Ungracefully Ethan drops down besides me and just like every other guy I've ever seen ---- spreads his legs apart an incredibly large amount and sighs contentedly.

I awkwardly place my sweaty palms on my lap and let my knees barely touch his. I glance down as he glances up, he takes me in and then looks away smiling. I continue watching him out of the corner of my eye, waiting for him to make the first move.

When he doesn't I clear my throat obnoxiously,"Ahehnmrb," Worriedly he grabs my hand and looks into my eyes.

"Lydia!! Are you okay?" Ethan demands in a horrified tone.

"I'm fine," I cough. "But there's something I need to tell you..." He raises his eyebrow. I take in a long deep breath and then release.

"Ethan... I'm sick,"

"Sick as in we better get you inside sick?" Feeling like I'm about to kick him while he's down I slowly shake my head.

"Not exactly...." He pales until his skin is no darker than a white sheet.

"You see... The thing is..." My phone buzzes interrupting me mid sentence. I hit ignore and try to start again.

"Ethan, a few weeks ago I was..." My phone goes off again incessantly ringing.

"Maybe you should answer that," Ethan whispers. I click ignore and turn to face him.

"Ethan I was diagnosed with cancer. I only have a little time left,"

All he can think to say is,"But you still have all of your hair,"

Manically I start laughing, losing all control over myself. Time seems to cease and all I can do is laugh. He watches me with an unwavering intensity.

Finally I reach the point where I can no longer breathe I'm laughing so hard. This is when Ethan intervenes all he says is "December 6th 2007" my laughter comes to a halt and all I can wonder is how he knew.

"You realize that there is nothing funny about this, don't you?"

"Sometimes it doesn't matter if something is funny or not, its a coping mechanism,"

We stare at each other blankly and twiddle our thumbs. The silence becomes unbearable, I get up and tell him that I have to go. He doesn't even ask where I'm going. All Ethan does is watch me leave.

Saddened by his reaction I text my mom: I told him, happy?

I don't care to hear a response, I just start walking aimlessly hoping to find the place I need to be.

** A/N

I feel awful for making you guys wait so long for a chapter! But since the wait was so long I made this one slightly longer than the last. And I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again... I've been getting really distracted lately with homework, high school, and boys. Please forgive me!!

XX ~ Ally

PS: blame the geometry homework.

PPS: I'm dying to talk to someone about homecoming so either pm me or comment! ~ comment, fan, vote!

PPPS: (Every time I work on this I add more to the A/N) but I had no idea high school was this hard and I realized that I sound just as annoying as the people I don't like ----- especially around boys :/

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