Alternate Universe

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The story begins after Goku gives the idea of the Tournament of Power.

Zeno: I can't wait for the Tournament of Power!

Zeno (Future): Neither can I. I can't wait to see what Goku does!

Grand Minister teleports in. He has an unsure look.

Grand Minister: Sires, I'm afraid that I have some bad news.

Zeno: Oh no. What's the bad news?

Zeno (Future): Yes, please tell us!

Grand Minister: It would seem that Goku's universe cannot make it, due to altercations.

Zeno (Future): So Goku won't be in it?

Grand Minister: Sadly, no. But, I have an idea. I will take Lord Beerus and Whis of the 7th Universe to an alternate universe, where there is another Goku, that way Universe 7 fights. We will then have another Tournament of Power once this universe's Goku isn't busy.

Both Zeno: Ok!

Cuts to the GT universe. Goku is training outside his home with Goten.

Goku: Haaa!

Goku delivers a punch, and Goten blocks. The impact send him back a few inches. Goku chuckles.

Goku: You've become strong, Goten.

Goten: Thanks dad, but I have you and training to help.

Beerus, and Whis appear not far from them.

Goku: Hmm? Who are you?

Goten: Uhh...? Dad..?

Beerus: I am the God of Destruction, Beerus and this is my adversary, Whis.

Whis: Hello.

Goku: I'm sorry, I'm not following. Why are you here?

Beerus walks forward.

Beerus: We are here to give you an invitation.

Goten: An invitation? To what?

Beerus: We need a team to represent Universe 7 for the Tournament of Power.

Goku stops him.

Goku: Hold on, before you go any further, let's go to Vegeta. We should let him know too.

Beerus: Very well.

Goku uses his Instant Transmission. In the blink of an eye, there in the backyard of Capsule Corporation.

Vegeta: Kakarot's here, wonder what he wants now.

Vegeta heads outside, and sees them.

Goku: Hey, Vegeta-

Vegeta: Who are they, Kakarot? And why are you here?

Beerus: I can tell the Vegeta of this universe seems to be just as prideful and mean.

Vegeta: What was that?!

Whis: Before this gets out of hand, we will tell you why we are here, Vegeta.

Vegeta: Wait, how do you know my name?

Whis: My name is Whis, this is Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction. We are from an alternate universe where we know you both, but this timeline is far different than the one we are familiar with.

Goku and Vegeta: Huh?!

Beerus: The first thing I noticed was different was your son. What was your name again? Goten, right?

Goten: Yes.

Beerus: In our universe, he (Goten) is still young. Also, Vegeta's hair is shorter here. Anyways, the Grand Minister sent us here, because we need a team to represent Universe 7 for the Tournament of Power, which will hold the strongest fighters from across the universes.

Vegeta: Tournament of Power, huh? I feel like there's a catch.

Beerus: There is. If all of the members of a team are eliminated, their universe is erased...

Goku and Vegeta go silent.

Goten: Erased?

Beerus: You heard me correct. But the real question is will you accept?

Goku: Hold on, you mentioned an alternate universe. Why can't they accept?

Beerus: It is because the Goku and Vegeta of our universe are dealing with a battle. They can't make it. So that's why we are here.

Goku: I'm in. If it's for the fate of the universe, I'll do it! What about you Vegeta?

Vegeta: (scoffs). Fine, I'll do it. That gives us two people, so how many people do we need?

Whis: 10 people.

Goten: How about me and Trunks?

Goku: Sure. Oh yeah, how long do we have to get fighters?

Whis: The Grand Minister has given us 48 hours.

Goku: Only two days?!

Trunks: Me and Goten will see if Uub wants to compete. I can get Uub as well.

Goku: Alright. I'll see if Gohan and Pan want to enter as well. But before I go, you were going to said something about the universe your from. What are me and Vegeta like?

Beerus: Ah, yes. The Goku and Vegeta of are universe are about as strong as you are. They have been able to attain Super Saiyan God.

Vegeta: Super Saiyan God?

Whis: The idea behind it is 6 Saiyans of pure hearts must be involved in a ritual for it to work. So far, both of you have the power of the gods, and have even went one step further to Super Saiyan Blue. Goku nods his head, and flies to Gohan's.

Goku: (Thinking) Hmm. Super Saiyan God, huh?

Goku lands outside Gohan's house.

Goku: Hey Gohan, Pan!

Gohan: Hey dad.

Pan: Hi Grandpa. What's up?

Goku: I have a favor to ask you guys.

Gohan: What is it, dad?

Goku explains what's going on.

Gohan: Fate of the universe, huh? Well, I don't want this world to be erased, so I'm in. I'll see if I can get Piccolo to.

Pan: I'll do it too. It feels like I while since I've fought along side you. Besides, I get to fight along side Grandpa.

Goku: Alright, that's 7, and if you get Piccolo, thats 8. Oh yeah, head to Bulma's. That's where we'll be.

Gohan and Pan: Ok.

Goku, Pan, and Gohan fly back to Capsule Corp.

Cuts to Beerus and Whis eating with the others.

Beerus: The food may taste the same, but it's different being in another universe in some way.

Whis: Agreed my lord.

End of Chapter 1

Dragon Ball GT: Tournament of Power Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant