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i sat here bored out of my mind as i waited for last minute customers to come in. it was past midnight and we were ready to start closing.

i can't wait to go home my feet are killing me from standing all day and serving customers.

i was beginning to fall asleep sitting on this chair since i had nothing else to do than wait till it was closing time.

all the thoughts of that murderer pleasuring me came to mind making me feel ashamed of myself. i can't believe i gave in that easily to a stranger especially a murderer. what the hell was i thinking letting the person who wanted me dead touch me like that?

he was so handsome and his voice was everything, but that won't happen again.

definitely not.

"sienna!" my coworker, nina waves her hand in my face making me snap out of my thoughts.

"what happened?" i shake my head as i stare at her causing her to furrow her eyebrows.

"we can start closing now." she says causing me to nod.

say no more i'm ready to go...

i begin to put the lids on each ice cream bin and clean the shop meanwhile, nina counts the money and locks the cash register.

once i was done mopping the floor i take off my apron and hang it in the employees room. i take my bag and slip my phone in my back pocket before saying my goodbyes to my coworker.

i head towards the back and close the door. soon enough my eyes widen realizing my dumbass had to walk through the alley. i turn around and try to pull the door to go back inside the shop, but forgot once the door is closed it locks itself so no one can get in.

i face palm my face and look at the alley ahead of me making me gulp. the only street light shinning through the alley was all the way towards the end. i was scared to walk this all by myself after what recently happened.

lord please forgive me for all my sins and don't take my life away in this alley.

i began to speed walk through the alley as i held my bag secure in my hands. i hate myself at the moment for being a dumbass and heading through the back.

all that was heard was my feet coming in contact with the concrete. i was taking huge steps to hurry up and get to the end of this dark alley.

after what seems like forever walking through that alley i finally got to the end. i stood by the street light trying to catch my breathe from that speed walk as the light shines on me.

a car engine catches my attention making me turn my head and look at the black mustang with tinted windows pulling up next to me. i begin to walk faster than before making my heart beat race.

not this shit again...

the car catches up to me as it follows right besides me making me scared.

"didn't you learn your lesson?" he shakes his head referring to what recently happened in the alley making me stop in my tracks and stare at him.

𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫 ➝ 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐜𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐝Where stories live. Discover now