
where are you"

"guys maybe we should leave, he's nowhere to be found" sam said

"no he has to be in here" colby said.

they walked and walked and walked on, still not being able to find him.

then, he jumped out.

"RAHHHH" he yelled and put an arm around colby's neck.

they all screamed.

"elton!! not funny dude" sam said. "where did you even go!"

"you passed me like 2 times, i was right here" he said pointing to a crossroad in the cave.

"guy i have a bad feeling that something is at the end of the cave, i was going to go further but i saw something weird" elton said as he led the way to where he was talking about.

"like what? what did you see" colby said slightly worried.

"i think it's like burnt clothing." he said "it's hard to tell because it's so damaged, and i kept hearing a rumbling sound"

"maybe we should check it out" sam said.

"umm stereotypes exist for a reason and i don't wanna die first" matt said.

everyone chuckled. "i'm sure we'll be fine"' sam said.

and so they kept going. then they found what elton was talking about, he picked it up.

"woah woah woah" sam said in a concerned voice. "that's someone's burnt clothes"

"yeah i'm getting a bad feeling from this" colby said.

then they heard a rustling from the end of the cave, like someone was struggling.

"yoooo" colby said, looking towards the noise. "that sounds like someone's back there."

"well what should we do" sam said.

"i think we should check it out."elton said.

matt sighed, he just wanted to go home.

"yeah let's go check it out" colby said as he led the way.

the deeper they went, the noises got louder.

until it sounded like muffled screaming.

it was a girl, tied up at the end of the cave.

she was barely clothed. the had no shoes, socks, shirt, or bra. only a pair of black nike spandex.

she had rope tied around her shoulders, wrists, and legs. with duck tape around her mouth. her neck was also badly bruised, like someone tried to strangle her.

her body was covered in cuts and scratches. she had blisters on her hands and feet. her lip, cheekbones and back were bruised badly. she had blood around her mouth like she had a bloody nose.

colby was ahead of the group by a few steps. he heard the noises the clearest before anyone else.

"guys i think someone needs help" he said turning back to them.

"well what do we do" said elton.

they all shrugged and cautiously stepped closer.

that's when colby saw her.

his flashlight beamed on her from 20 feet away. he gasped and stopped dead in his tracks.

she screamed at the top of her lungs, but it was slightly muffled from the duck tape.

"holy shit. holy fucking shit" elton said. "that's a real person, tied up at the end of a cave"

"we have to help her" colby said as he cautiously stepped closer.

Cobb Estate- colby brock Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora