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Disclaimer: I do not own the PJO series and characters. Those are Rick Riordan's

Percy POV 

Everything took a turn for the worse on that day. The day when Zeus proposed a horrible change. Olympus all agreed except for my father, Poseidon. The rest of Olympus wanted to take away the mist, and show themselves to the mortals. And that would have been fine, if a bit radical, but the Olympians wanted more. They wanted to rule the Earth. Take away the mortal leaders, and rule the mortals themselves. But, again, that's not all. The rule of the Olympians would be a total dictatorship, a tyrannical rule, with the demigods as Olympus' army. The reason is clear as to why Poseidon doesn't support this, and since this is such a big change it has to be total agreement. The other 13 Olympians started threatening Poseidon, saying that they would kill me, mom, and Paul. (For my reward in the giant war I asked for Hestia and Hades to have thrones. I regret that decision. Hestia sided with the rest of her family, because you know, she's the goddess of family. But I thought she would do the right thing trying to do the option the rest of her family wants. But, she's adamant in her decision. But I don't think she'll fight unless it's desperate.) 

While all this was happening, things weren't great at Camp Olympus (Camp Half-blood and Camp Jupiter combined). The Olympians had told their children of their decision and Poseidon’s defiance, and all the demigods supported their parents decision. And I supported dad's decision. But with Poseidon stopping the change, all the demigods hated me. Annabeth broke up with me, saying that I was an idiot for siding with my father over the good of the world. But she was blinded with the proposition, wanting to please her mother instead of doing the right thing.

Nico, one of my best friends, wouldn't talk to me. In the rare moments that he looked at me, his eyes help such angry and disdain, it broke me a little. Slowly withering away at my loyalty to Olympus and the demigods.

Thalia and Jason, again more of my best friends, were outright furious with me. I couldn't go near them without being shocked, with Thalia yelling at me, and Jason me always giving me a fierce glare.

Frank, Hazel, Leo, Piper, the same thing. They all help such contempt for me in their eyes and expressions, that I knew we weren't on friendly terms. It hurt a lot, but what nearly drove me over the edge was when both camps turned against me. All the campers either yelled at me, attacked me, glared at me, or ignored me.

The final straw was when I came home to my mom's apartment. My sweet mother. I knocked on the door, only to find it swing open. What I saw horrified me. My mother and step-father, chained onto a wall, cuts and bruises covered their bodies. Bruises surrounded their necks. They were tortured, and then strangled.

I saw a note pinned to the wall next to them. It read:

Dear Percy,

We saw that you losing us didn't break you. And we had to break you. So both camps came together to form this plan. We already knew we were going to kill your parents. But with your since of justice, we knew this would break you. By the way, your parents screamed.

With all the hate in the world,

Olympus and its camp

P.S: Your mother and step-father are being sent to the fields of punishment. 

After I read the note I was fuming with anger, but I didn't let it show. To anyone looking at me I was as calm as possible. I started walking towards camp, with slow and deliberate steps.

Two Hours Later 

I finally reached camp. As soon as I crossed the boarder, I let out a scream of anger and defiance. Let the campers come at me, I thought. Let them know the pain they caused me. After the scream they all turned their heads to look at me. But what they saw caused them to sound the alarm. My eyes black,       comparable to the darkest sea abyss, swirling with unknown rage and power, . The wind had picked up to fifty miles per hour, making my hair and clothes whip in the wind. They could hear the waves crash on the beach, getting larger and larger with each receding wave.

All the campers ran to the armory, getting set up for my attack. I started walking forwards. With every step forwards I took, the ground shook, knocking numerous campers on the ground. The rain was pouring down, strengthening me. Lightning flashed behind me, outlining my figure. As the first wave of campers came forwards I felt a tug in my gut. I threw my hand forwards, and they flew back so fast that I heard them whistle. They hit the next campers. I heard their bones crunch. 

I saw Nico, he was in front of me. He raised his hand and skeletons started crawling out of the ground, coming towards me. Thalia was to my right shooting lightning at me, but my reflexes saved me from getting shocked. I tried to attack, but I had to defend myself before I could. Jason was behind me, also shooting lightning at me, while Piper was trying to charm speak me into committing suicide. Leo was hurling Greek fire at me, so it wasn't put out by the rain. Hazel was shooting gems at me, and Frank had turned into a dragon and was trying to kill me. I fought them as hard as I could, but they continued to push me back.

We went back so far, that I sensed the lake behind. I said "See ya, traitors!" and jumped into the lake. I sped towards my father's palace. I made it to his throne room, my energy exhausted. I said to him "Help.... me."

I am completely redoing this story, since I love the concept, and it's just awesome. I will try to update soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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