chapter 6: currahee

Comincia dall'inizio

" Volunteering for the parachute infantry is one thing, Perconte. But you've got a long way to prove that you belong here. Your weekend pass is revoked." Sobel said, his manner firm and tough, overpowering any of these privates.

" Name?" Sobel called.

" Luz, George." answered George. She remembered him, he was the funny one.

" Dirt in the rear side aperture. Pass revoked." spat Sobel, and Charlotte's mind was boggled about how fast that actually happened. She squeezed her hand a little tighter, the knuckles white. Sobel turned and walked to the edge of the company and overlooked the group, he glanced over at Eugene and Charlotte who were both staring straight ahead.

" Tarvers." he said, coming over as Charlotte saluted him.

" Sir." she said quickly.

" Open the satchel." he said pointing to the medic one around her shoulder.

" Sir." she nodded and took it off her shoulder opening it up. He began picking through the bag, throwing contents onto the ground and soon turning the entire bag over and emptying everything onto the ground. He looked back up at the girl sharply.

" You want someone to die on that battlefield, I suggest you organize your med bag, Tarvers or we're gonna have more dead than alive. Weekend pass revoked." he said and threw the bag on the floor. She had organized the satchel that morning, but he didn't care, she knew. Charlotte knew better than to lean down and start cleaning it up again. Sobel turned and stopped to look at Johnny Martin, but rightfully decided against it. Even Sobel didn't want to get involved in messing with the man. He turned instead and glanced at one of the Sergeants, Carwood Lipton.

" When did you sew on these chevrons, Sergeant Lipton?" he asked, inspecting the fabric.

" Yesterday, sir." Lipton spoke.

" Long enough to notice this." grimaced Sobel holding a longer string in front of his face. 


" Sir." answered Lipton as Sobel moved past him.

" Name."

" Malarkey, Donald G." he answered.

" Malarkey? Malarkey's slang for bullshit, isn't it?" Sobel said.

" Yes, sir." Malarkey answered confidently.

" Rust on the butt plate, hinge spring, Private Bullshit. Revoked." Sobel tossed the gun to Malarkey and moved swiftly passed him. Charlotte nearly snorted.

" Name?" now Sobel just sounded exhausted by this all.

" Liebgott, Joseph D, sir." answered Liebgott.

" Rusty bayonet, Liebgott. You wanna kill Germans?" egged Sobel. " Yes sir." he answered quickly.

" Not with this." answered Sobel, giving him a light smack in the head with the 'rusty' bayonet. Charlotte knew his bayonet was not rusty, she slept next to him in the other bed for the past week and he shined it every night. Sobel turned and moved to the front of the company.

" I wouldn't take this rusty piece of shit to war, and I will not take you to war in your condition. Now thanks to these men, for their infractions, every man in the company who had a weekend pass, has lost it. Change into your P.T gear we're running Currahee." he snapped before turning and walking away. She noticed the sneer in the word men as Sobel looked directly at her. Lieutenant Richard Winters turned smoothly and nodded. Winters had yet to formally talk to the young medic now in their unit, but he was hoping to soon. The girl already held promise.

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