Chpt 4: Past the Pokeberries and over the hill

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Info: ( For this or future chapters)
(Y/N) - Your name
(H/C)- Hair color
(F/C) - Favorite color
POV- Point of view

Author note:
Enjoy the little Snufkin meme I made for the fanfic lol. Or should I say SOUPKIN meme? (All I put was @ Snufkin when he eats Moominmamas cucumber soup fwi) SKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKS I'M CACKLING. Alrighty enough of my awful jokes lol, enjoy the chapter (:

Third Person POV:
The sunrise is quite lovely as shades of purple, pink, and organge danced around the big ball of light. Little (Y/N) had no problem waking up, for she was excited to head back to Moominvalley. As for Snufkin, he was still fast asleep, unaware of the surprise that would befall upon him today. The two were very smitten of each other, but both took it for a desire of friendship. But it will take a while for them to realize that is not the case. Today is not that day, but perhaps tomorrow, or the next day, nobody knows. But one thing is for sure.. they will meet again sooner than you think.

          "Past the Pokeberries and over the hill"
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(Y/N)'s POV:
" Past the berries and over the hill, la la la la la~!"
I sang as I marched lightheartedly. I couldn't wait to see that kind man again, Snufkin. Just think of all the exciting adventures he might have in this little Moominvalley.
"Ah! The Pokeberry bushes!" Where I had my encounter with Snufkin. And to think I thought he was a wizard. I snickered to myself as I recalled the humorous memory.
"Now to reach the hill."
Snufkins POV:
"..Hm?" My ears perked as I woke up to the birds chirping about and the streams current rushing through.
"I best get ready for the day." I said halfway through a tired some yawn. I threw over my green robe and tide my boots. Last but not least. I tied my scarf, and put on my hat.
"Well.." My hair could use a washing. I made my way to the stream and set my hat aside as I dunked my hair in the crisp and cold water. I scrubbed about until I was satisfied.
"That should do it." I nodded to myself. I carried my hat with me, and waited for my hair to dry until I put it back on. In the mean time, I suppose I could play my harmonica. A great way to start off the morning.
The Harmonica music snufkin plays:
He stops at 1:45(but hey, you can listen to it all of you like, it is very pretty sounding)

"Very delightful..." I sighed. I really didn't know what else to do except go to Moomin house. Ah Moomin, what an optimistic fellow. I shook my head rapidly to dry my hair faster.
"Eh, it's dry enough why not." I placed my hat on the top of my head, and began to walk. I wonder what Moominmama has made today..
(Y/N)'s POV:
I had finally reached the hill! Such a lovely sight. Caked in flowers galore, from daisy's to lavender and all things in between. Oh yes I had the perfect thing in mind.
"GERONIMO!" I yelled, rolling down the flower covered hill in a flash as I broke out into giggles. My stomach ached from my giggling fest as I reached the bottom. I probably had many flowers in my hair, but I didn't, how do you say...? GIVE A SH*T.(excuse my potty mouth)
I simply kept going, most likely having the appearance of a walking mobile human garden.
"Almost there. Just a few more miles..." I mumbled. My steps turned into skips. What's this feeling? I don't know. Maybe I'm excited to see my friend Snufkin! Well of course I am, that's the whole point! But no, this felt different. My tummy did flips and somersaults as my lips fought over smiling ear to ear. No, it must be it! I'm excited to see Snufkin, my FRIEND! And possibly others he is acquainted or is friends with. My thoughts became silent for a minute as confusion took over. But eventually I just brushed the feeling off.
"Past the berries and over the hill, la la la la la~!"
*30 minutes later*
"There it is!" I cheered. Moominvalley! I started to run, until it came to me..where would I even find Snufkin? Huh..should've thought of it sooner. No matter! I'll just ask the nearby residents. The one house that caught my eye was tall and blue, with a bright red roof.
"How fetching."
I walked over the bridge, crossed the path, and there I stood on the porch. Oh, what if they were asleep? I didn't want to disturb them! Whoever they are... But if I want to find Snufkin, I must! But what if..
My mind bickered with itself until the front door opened itself.
"Hello?" A white furred creature greeted me, his eyes smiling. Well, I would assume a he due to his voice.
"Yes, I was here to ask if you have seen or know anyone by the name of Snufkin?" I questioned.
"Wait...are you (Y/N)?!?" The little child jumped excitedly right there an then. How did he know my name?!?
Slightly concerned I asked.
"..Who wants to know?"
"Oh it is you! Isn't it? Snufkin! Is it her? I bet it is!" He spit out words at a rapid speed, but I do know he knows Snufkin. And from what I've heard..he's here.
And soon enough, Snufkin himself came to the door, a steaming mug of what I assumed was tea in hand.
"Why hello Snufkin."
End of Chapter 4

Pokeberry bushes (Snufkin x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن