Start from the beginning

Zoey and Zach would always side up with Adam no matter what she did. But the betrayal cut deep especially on the behalf of Zoey. Whom she had trusted. It was the complete knife in the back scenario from her friend and Rhea did not even want to hear any explanations from her.

And Adam. Rhea could not even think of him anymore. He was so disgusting. While she could understand the reason why he had thought himself in love with her in the first place, there was no excuse for him to behave so horrendously with her. He had played with her emotions and had make a mockery out of her.

How dared they? How dared they conspire against her like that? She knew; had always known that she was the outsider in their foursome. And today they had proved it to her. By acting against her. She could not help feeling so betrayed. It was not fair and the wrath building up inside her was inciting her to teach them a lesson.

Angrily, she tore off the magazine which had supposedly been her getaway from Adam Crighton. What had seemed a genius idea not more than a month ago now seemed ludicrous and out of place. And the least she wanted was to see that piece of crap again.

She was sure Adam was waiting for her to come up with her next strategy which was “Be loyal” as per the magazine. And she had been planning to pretend to be seeing someone else. It would have been fake of course. But she would have hurt him where it mattered the most and he would have finally left her alone.

Now thanks to her so-called best friend, all her plans were in chaos. When she would appear with another guy in front of him, it would make her appear ridiculous more than anything else. Enraged, she wanted to hit back where it would matter the most.

 And hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But for the moment, she had to get a grip on herself before deciding what to do. If it was left to her, all she wanted to do was to get back to New York and live her life far away from them all.

That had been the plan all along. When Adam had so insulted her two years ago, she had wanted to pack her bags and cut off the connection with the two families. But Aunt Selena and Aunt Rachel had heard nothing of it. Zoey had followed her and they had sent her to Forrester agency so that Rhea had been unable to refuse them.

And it would happen again now if she was to leave them, they would trace her and she would never have the freedom she wanted. All her life she had been running away from herself and now was time to face her own demons. She would use a more dramatic approach than that.

Rhea Palmer would make sure the Coopers and Crightons hated her so much that they would be the one sending her away. Finally appeased with her latest idea, she got up from the cold floor feeling her legs and lower body part go numb.

It was nothing compared to the pain she was experiencing in her heart. As she walked back to her room, she felt rage overtake the shock and pain. And she felt angrier with herself to realize that she had started hoping that Adam had really loved her as much as he had been professing for so many years.

Fool that she was, she had started believing him especially when he had stood up against her father. In front of his entire family. She had been so touched at his heroic move that she had been tempted to accept the fact that he loved her. She could not believe she was so hurt and angry to find out that his love was only one of his conspiracies.

It was time for another plan. And it had to be a killer one since it would serve the purpose of both freeing her from his stupid pursuit and finally giving her the freedom of cutting the “Cooper” umbilical cord as she called it.

It was the first time in her life that she fell asleep still angry and hurt but thankfully the tears had subsided. And she needed that sleep to clear her mind. Even her dreams were turbulent and when she finally woke up, she was in a complete chaos. Use the pain to drive them away, after all they’re all the same, she mentally preached herself.

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