Chapter Thirty-three

Comincia dall'inizio

"Looking good ladies" He hooted. Emma smirked. Cygnet blushed. Emily giggled. I rolled my eyes. "Except for you Lisa, that dress - yukk" He joked. 

Their mouths dropped. 

"Oh thanks cuz, you also look like shit" He smirked and I just stuck my tounge at him. 

"Nah only kidding you look good cuz" He smiled.

"You too". 

Cygnet let out a breath. 

"Relax, we're just having fun" I assured her in a whisper. 




The party's music was blasting so loud, I was sure the neighbors would complain.

But there was so many people, that would deter them. What shocked me was how many people I knew there. What shocked me more? How many people knew me. I was constantly being greeted by familiar drunken faces. Emma had found william and a couple of his friends, she vowed to get emily and william's older brother to hook up. Walking over to the small makeshift bar I got myself a drink. 

"Lisa?" I heard another familiar voice. I turned to see a guy, a little taller than mestanding with a drink in his hand. The sudden realization of who he was, hit me like a bag of bricks.

"Hayden" I said in a mode of shock. "ah..uhm...hey" I smiled as we slightly awkwardly hugged each other. Hayden was one of Blakes old friends, we used to see each other frequently. His parents were really good friends with my uncle and aunt. Blake and Nathans parents for those who are slow. He and I used to friends. We hadn't seen each other in years, not since he moved to the US. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked dumbfounded. 

"I...uh....moved back when I turned 18. I mean, I finished school but I was in the grade above where I was supposed to be".  

"You should have called me" 

He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure if I didn't see you tonight, you would never have given me a second thought". 

"Thats not true" Yes it was. She had to admit she hadn't thought about in a while, well, when her drama with Finn started she was too preoccupied. He smiled gratefully.

"Your lying, I can still tell. If you've forgotten, we were pretty close" He chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. I rolled my eyes playfully, a small smile appearing on my face. 

"I could never forget" I said softly. 

They stood in silence for a couple minutes. But it wasn't an awkward silence. It was peaceful.

As if we were both trying to comprehend how much we'd both changed. 






The Music was so loud, i could barely hear myself think. 

Most of the time this was good, I had too many ghosts in my mind. Walking into the party with Nates arm snaked around my waist, he introduced me to almost two dozen people. I barely payed attention. I didn't realise untill too late that Nathan had weaved me through crowds and out a window. We sat on the roof of this house. 

Good Girls Love Bad BoysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora