Too Good To Be True

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Your mind thought back to Reed and Micah who would be left at the mercy of the princes and you shook your head again, "Mom" Your voice cracked a little, "I can't. There are people at the palace who would get hurt...killed if I disappeared."

"Killed?" Your father asked and you nodded.

"The princes...they aren't nice. They're obsessive. My best friend at the palace is risking everything for me to come visit for a few hours. I-I can't abandon him."

Alex looked down at you quizzically, "(Y/n). Since when you did you wear bows around your neck?"

Your face paled, "I-its just a part of my uniform. I must have gotten so used to it I forgot."

Your mother stared at it in hatred and grabbed the end, "I don't want anything from that horrid palace on your-" She trailed off as the ribbon fell away from your neck.

Nadia gasped, "(Y/n)...Are those hickies?!

Your hands instinctively went up to cover your throat and you looked around at everyone.

"You have some explaining to do young lady." Your dad growled as he picked you up and set you down on one of the tables chairs.

You started at the beginning, leaving out the parts where you were chained in the cell and the princes declaring you their queen. You told them about Micah and Reed and how they were going to help you. You reassured them you had a plan. You explained the twins chaotic and insane behavior, and how the bruises had gotten on your neck. All the while everyone stared at you with wide eyes. Once you had finished, you stared at your hands in your lap.

"My poor baby..." Your mother whispered as she pulled you into a hug.

"(Y/n)..." Nadia trailed off as she gave you a concerned look.

Both Alex and your father had murderous looks and you thought that if the princes were in front of you, they'd be dead.

"You can't go back," Your mom murmured, and you glanced at the clock on the wall. You only had 15 more minutes before you had to leave.

"Mom," Your voice quivered again, "I know, but Micah and I have a plan okay? We'll work it out and get in contact with you. I'll be fine, I promise." You hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"How much longer?" Alex asked as you stood up.

You grimaced, "Not long. Micah can only talk about different types of fabric for so long."

He laughed bitterly. You turned to your parents and gave them a big hug. On a whim, you opened the back door and stepped out onto the porch. Ruby sat on the railing and gave you a happy meow as you came over and scratched her chin.

"Hey Dad?" You called over your shoulder, "Do you have a small bag?"

He nodded and opened a drawer in the kitchen counter. He came out and handed you a small leather bag, "Why do you need it?"

You walked over to the bushes and picked a few berries, dropping them into the bag. "Maybe the palace would like Bezaberries?"

He grinned and ruffled your hair, "My smart girl."

You smiled back and walked through the house and to the front door. Your hand hovered over it and you turned back to look at your parents.

"I love you." You whispered as you turned to the handle and stepped outside. Alex and Nadia followed you to the edge of the village.

"Be careful (Y/n)." Nadia said, concern lacing her voice.

You nodded.

"Don't get hurt. It'd suck to have to storm the palace to save you." Alex half joked as he gave you a concerned look as well.

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz