Sickness part 1: you came home?

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Joe' POV:

After being awake the majority of the night, I finally manage to sniffle my way into a dreamless sleep. This is the sickest I've felt since...that bug In street-com week. But that time I had Di to look after me, to cuddle me and generally make me feel better and now she's gone.
Miles away.
And I'm cold.
And sniffly.
I just want my girlfriend and to maybe go radio silent from the world and hibernate. This could be a long few days, I hate being ill and I'm hoping I don't have to visit the doctor over this. It's like my brain can't switch off. Maybe my brain is working a million miles a second to make up for the fact that I can't breathe through my nose and I've probably managed to cough up a lung in the last few hours. I've been rough for a few days but it has hit me like a freight train in the last day.

The shrill tone of my phone wakes me with a start, leaving my head pounding and my heart racing. Answering quickly, a beautiful redhead fills my screen, instantly chatting excitedly about something I didn't quite catch. "Joe! Are you even listening to me?" She scowls, realising  that I've been daydreaming. "I'm so sorry Reddo. I haven't slept well last night and it's currently...8.02am. Urgh I don't feel well bub, I think I'm getting sick. It's..." I pause, coughing and spluttering again before catching my breath. Her face instantly softens and floods with concern, " Oh Joseph! Are you okay? Do you want me to come home? I miss you and the girls would understand..."She rambles and before I know it, the tears are streaming down my face, my throat closing over and my words deserting me. "That's it. I'm on the next train home. Don't even try and stop me." She says firmly. Gathering myself and wiping my tears, I sniff deeply and return my focus to the FaceTime call. "Dianne Buswell don't you dare. You just put me in a Claudia situation that's all. Get on the train to your next show and dance your bloody heart out okay? I'll take meds and rest today, I'll survive I promise." I state decidedly. After a further fifteen minutes of "are you sures" and "I promises", Di finally agrees to complete the show but only if I sent her hourly wellness checks and I consume my body weight in green tea. Sighing deeply, I lean back into bed and grab Di's pillow, bringing it to my face, glancing at the pink stains and attempting to inhale her faint scent but only sniffing instead. Unable to SMELL ANYTHING. Groaning with frustration, I launch her pillow across our bedroom and flopping back in bed.

Lying there for a few more hours, I decide to move from my den of self pity and at least attempt to get downstairs to see if I feel any better with some medication and green tea. Standing up and making my way to the doorway, a wave of dizziness hits me- if I can just make it downstairs...
Making it to the sofa, armed with tissues, green tea, cold and flu meds and the TV remote, I settle down under the blanket and scroll aimlessly through Netflix  before putting on rick and morty. The longer I lie here, the more achy I get and the worse I feel.
Maybe I need to go back to bed, if I can clear my nose, maybe I can get a good nights sleep and then it's only two more days until Di is home. Sending her a quick Goodluck/goodnight text, my eyes flick to the time.
7.36pm- new personal record.

Dianne's POV:
It's breaking my heart watching the tears falling rapidly down his sunken face; he really is sick bless him. "That's it Joseph. I'm on the next train home."
He fights me, convincing me to stay and perform for the show, promising me he will drink green tea and send me hourly updates to tell me how he's feeling which gives me a little peace of mind I suppose. It's not enough though, I'm still stressed and it shows.
"Di? Are you okay? You're a little pale," the soft welsh accent grabs my attention. "Yeah Ames, it's just...Joe's sick and I wish I could do something or even just be there, you get me?" I Sugg, placing my head in my hands and tugging at my roots, " I'm going to stress about him all day, he looked and sounded truly awful; he's all croaky, sniffly and dizzy and he's home alone. I think I'm tired so I'm maybe over-stressing as always Amy, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have downloaded on you." I sigh. Reaching across the table to grab my hand, she holds it tightly. "Di look at me.  Look at me! I've been here and I know the feeling but more importantly I've seen Ben look exactly the same way you do right now." Pausing, she looks over at Ben, who is huddled over Pasquale playing some game or other. "When I have a flare up or even just a "bad day" as we call them, he feels the way you do. The worst thing you can do right now is work yourself up. Trust me, it'll make it harder for him. Maybe you could go home tonight?" She suggests lightly, moving over to pull me into a hug.
I don't care what anyone says, girlfriends are the best.

Arriving at the venue, my chat with Amy has definitely lightened my mood and lifted the headache which had been threatening me all morning. Before dress run, I check my phone quickly and see a text from joe and a picture.bits joe cocooned in a blanket on the sofa with green tea and a sickly expression. He had made it downstairs and was going to try and nap on the sofa but apparently overall he feels better although I'm not sure if I believe him or not but dress run calls. Shaking myself, I head to the stage to do my Joey proud and dance my heart out.
Fixing my makeup before the show, I feel my phone buzz again.

*New message from PasoJoe💕* "hey bub, I'm heading to bed again, just need a good nights sleep. Goodluck tonight! You'll ace it as always. Speak to you tomorrow and then it's just two days! Love you always ❤️"

7.36pm- he really is sick...I've got to go home tonight. Opening Trainline, it's two and a half hour journey and my train is at 11.10pm so I need to avoid stage door and get home to Joseph. "Hey guys? I'm going home tonight, is that okay?" I call, applying my final touches and fixing my opening dress. In response,I get a chorus of "awhs" and "of courses".
Right girl.

It's just after 2am when I crawl through our apartment and leave my bags at the bottom of the stairs, making a beeline for our bedroom to check on Joey. Creeping over to his side of the bed, he looks like a small child, sweating badly yet shivering lightly: stroking his forehead, I can tell he's burning up. Going back downstairs, I collect a glass of iced water and more meds before changing into one of Joe's t-shirts in the spare bedroom so I won't disturb him. Climbing the stairs again, I leave the water and meds beside Joe and slip into bed behind him, cuddling into his back. Stirring in his sleep, he rolls over and pulls me into his chest. Sniffing again, he wakes up and literally double takes; "you came home! Di you're here! What?" His face is so adorable right now!
"Of course I came home! You're not well, now lie down, shut up and go to sleep Joe Sugg!" I scold, placing a kiss on his lips.
"Di! You'll get sick!" He croaks desperately. Moving off him, I giggle, "I've got my echinacea  drops don't worry. Now where the bloody hell is my pillow Joseph Sugg?"
He laughs... "yeah about's on the floor somewhere. I got pissed that I couldn't smell you on it earlier so I fired it across the room." He confesses sheepishly. Burying himself into my chest, he begins mumbling and all I can hear is: "you came home Di." And he drifts off into a deep sleep against me.

Of course I came home.

Oneshots- Joe and Dianne 💜❤️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя