00 || Prologue

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     "You all take care, I'll be headed home now!" Spoke the melodic voice of a woman, she donned her jacket while making her way out of the employees changing area. Her company groaned sadly to her leaving.

     "Aw, are you sure you want to go, Emi-chan? We can play another round of karaoke switch-off!" Asked a blond-green locked man. He rose from his spot on the floor, giving short chase as she adjusted her purse straps.

     "Yes, I'm sure. I still have little Ume to take care of, you know."

     "I can go with you if you want!" He piped, trotting up to the chuckling Emi after setting his beer onto the low table. An easy smile upped her lips.

     "That's sweet of you, Suzuki-san, but I'll be fine." She fixed one of his loose strands of long hair. "You have your restaurant to care for and you live here, anyhow. I don't want to have you walking back and forth for my sakeーespecially in the dark." Letting his hair be, she collected her bag of leftovers from their little party.

     "Oh, isn't it suppose to be raining tonight?" Asked another employee; a younger woman with rosy eyes and matching, partially-braided hair. She hopped from her spot near the shared table as she joined the two.

     "All the more reason for us to go with you! I have my car, we can take that if you want? Besides, I've also got my power to help if we need it!" Lifting a hand, the entire appendage flashed the paler colors of brilliant neon greens and yellows. Emi gave another giggle as she turned to the exit.

     "Yes, you're right, Mio-chan. But I should be able to make it home before the rain comes. As for you, Suzuki-san, you've been drinking so there's not going to be any driving for you. And using your quirk without a license is illegal, remember?"

     "Not if you're using it in self-defense!"

     "Kei-chan's right, Emi-chan. We all know how dangerous it can be in the darkーespecially out here!" Mio peeped beside the pouting man. The two received a hug from the laughing woman.

     "I'll be alright, dear. I know my way well enough. And my phone has a good charge on it, so I can give a call if I really needed anything. Good night, everyone, I'll see you all tomorrow!" Emi waved, leaving the party. Hearing their farewells and good wishes, she continued down the sidewalks of the dark street. Something that seemed dreary and dangerous was quite well-known to the chestnut-tressed woman after having lived in Nichiho for all her life.

     A sudden chilled wind pricked at her light skin, the long scarf rounding her shoulders was layered over once more; it felt colder tonight. Emi gave a breath.

     "It must be the sea air," Sounded a thought. Rubbing chilled hands together, an instant idea came to mind. Going into her purse beneath one of the street lights, she tried looking for something until a small pout lined her features. "Shoot, I forgot my gloves back at the restaurant." Hesitating the continue, her closed gaze peeked back behind her. Already having made quite a fair distance from work, she debated on whether or not to go back.

     There was stillness, but only for a moment until the dark purse was adjusted onto her shoulder again. White high tops began to move once more as Emi came to a decision; she'd get them tomorrow. For now, she blew onto the freezing fingers to warm them before folding her arms. Snuggling into the large, dark green coat.

     The walk to her home from work wasn't too far, and she never truly needed a car to help her with the way. It would be a waste of money, she thought. Keiko, her best friend and boss, once tried to give Emi his black sedan. A rather generous offer, but she dismissed his worry kindly. But ever since then, he's always offering to pick her up or drop her off at home or even get her her own vehicle.

Whatever It takes || V!BNHAxMale!Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें