Chapter 44 . King in the North

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     "What is she doing here? She's a Lannister." Theon protested,

     Out of everyone, he was the last person Aurelia thought would oppose to having her as part of the Northern army. None of the other bannermen supported Theon, but they were waiting as to what Aurelia would have to say next.

     "I am not a Lannister, or shall I remind you that we grew up together?" Aurelia exclaimed, "I am the daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark. The North runs through my blood just the same as all of yours. I may be married to Lannister, but that means nothing. I am Stark, I will always be a Stark." She continued to say, and a smirk appeared in Robb and Catelyn's faces.

     "Anyone who opposes Aurelia's position in this council and the war can answer directly to me, or if you prefer, her." Robb informed all of them, but none dared. From the start, she already had the respect and trust of most of the bannermen and those who did not, has surely now. "Let us start the council, shall we? We cannot win this war by sitting quietly." He added,

     Their discussion today was to decide on whom they are to swear fealty to, as Joffrey Baratheon is no longer a choice. Beheading Ned Stark was the limit, and a true open call for war. Their journey to Kings Landing to free Sansa and Arya also includes removing whomever sits on the Iron Throne that supports the Lannisters.

     "The proper course is clear!" Lord Bracken exclaimed as he stood up to gain everyone's attention. "Pledge fealty to King Renly and move South to join our forces with his." He continued, whilst moving around the empty space around the tables in which the Lords and Ladies are currently sitting for the council.

     Renly Baratheon has declared himself the rightful heir to the Iron Throne now that Joffrey sits upon it, and so does Stannis. Now House Baratheon had divided into two, and the Northerners need to make an alliance with either one to strengthen their position. Lord Bracken does have a point for wanting to side with Renly, as he has greater forces than Stannis.

     "Renly is not the King!" Robb disagreed,

     "You cannot mean to hold to Joffrey, my Lord. He put your father to death." Bracken said,

     "That doesn't make Renly king. He's Robert's youngest brother." Robb explained, "If Brann cannot be Lord of Winterfell before me, Renly can't be King without Stannis."

     "Do you mean to declare us for Stannis?" Lord Bracken questioned if the decision was made,

     "Renly is not Right!" A Lord shouted while the rest of the people joining the council all followed suit, voicing their opinions and desire on who they should align with. 

     Aurelia looked at Robb, seeing the stress appearing in his eyes. This was not an easy decision and she understands that. The choice can alter either the war or their entire journey.

     "My Lords!" Greatjon Umber exclaimed as he stood up, trying to attract the entire attention of the war council. "My Lords!" He exclaimed once more, successfully quieting the all the rest.

     "Here is what I say to these two Kings." Umber said, and spat out his wine on the ground. The small humor led to rest of the Lords laughing from their seats. "Renly Baratheon is nothing to me, nor Stannis either. Why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the South? What do they know of the Wall or the Wolfswood? Even their Gods are wrong! Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? It was the dragons we bowed to and now the dragons are dead! There sits the only King I mean to bend my knee to..." Lord Umber exclaimed, as he unsheathed his sword and pointed the tip to where Robb sat. He then kneeled down on one knee and shouted, "The King in the North!"

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