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Gerard didn't care for the rumors about the newbie. "Hey Ray, what's up about all those rumors?" Gerard asked his best friend. "I don't know why everyone is so hyped about that new guy. It's just a new classmate. I heard he was some kind of model as a kid?" Ray answered. Great, another rich brat at our school. Gerard's thought were interrupted by the bell. He waved Ray and went to the english class room. He kept his eyes to the ground as he searched his seat, in the back of the room. The teacher didn't complain about that anymore. The class started and the teacher went out of the room. He came back with a short guy, and said something to him. "Good morning class, you have a new classmate." announced the teacher and sent our new classmate a look that said 'introduce yourself'. "Errr, I'm Frank Iero and I'm 16." Frank said and looked at our teacher helpless. "Ur seat is in the back. Next to Gerard." said the teacher and pointed to the seat next to me. Oh no, why me? Frank found his way to the seat next to me and sat down next to me. I looked at his face and he looked cute. He wore a black jeans, black converse and a white stripes t-shirt. I couldn't concentrate at the words the teacher spoke, but that was okay cause he wont ask me anything. That may sound weird, but the teacher knew i was very anxious about speaking in school, so i was glad he accepted that. I always thought I was straight, but damn, that boy was more then fine. Finally the bell rang and the lunch break began. I quickly rushed to the cafeteria and searched for Ray in the crowd. I found him with Jamia, and her girlfriend Lindsey. The school had a lot of queer people, but the most of them were still in the closet because they were scared they will be bullied for being queer. I finally reached the table as I realized that my brother was missing. I sat down and asked; "Where's Mikey?". Lindsey and Jamia waved and then kissed. "Get a room!" I said. I didn't mind that they kissed, I just wanted to do the same with Frank. Wait what, no brain. I blushed deeply and muttered "Why?". Ray, who just arrived at the table, saw this and was about to speak when a little scream drew all the attention to our table. "Gerard got a crush, finally. Who is it?" Jamia asked excited. "No one Jamia. Don't make such a deal." I said while blushing again.
Shit, she'll ship us. "Mikey said i should say that he will be with Pete. I ship the two." he told us, it was okay. "So what's about that new boy? Was he cute Gerard? Oh, I may have invited him to sit with us." Jamia said and grinned evily. "You didn't! Oh my lord, do you want that i die?" I asked while blushing. Lindsey grinned and nodded. I saw Frank across the cafeteria and Jamia winked to get him to see her. He, unfortunately, saw her and made his way to our table, God i wanna die. "Hello Frank! You may already know Gerard but that are Lindsey and Ray! Gerard's Brother couldn't come. Come on, sit down!" Jamia said very enthusiastic. Help, i think Jamia wanted me dead. Frank was looking gorgeous, as always. I couldn't help but stare a little bit, but he didn't notice. "Yeah, i know Gerard already, he's in my english class." Frank said and beamed a smile. The others introduced themselves and i already knew, Frank will be a part of our Friendgroup. Somehow the whole table got into an argument why you should never wear white. Well, it's a long story, but we had the same opinion since we all just wore black the most time. "Hey Freaks! Why aren't you in the basement? Hey new kid, better stay away from them, they'll make you queer and unpopular!" Dick, a bully of all of us, shouted. Frank was silent for a few seconds, and answered; "Hell, i would rather be queer then being a dumbass like you! Let's get one thing straight, i don't care if I'm unpopular, as long as I don't have as much fake friend as you do." Frank shouted back, and the whole cafeteria was silent. After a few seconds, the whole cafeteria laughed and some people even clapped. You could hear some 'You suck, Dick!'. I was never more proud then in that moment.

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