Chapter 13-lets meet once more, mi amore.

Start from the beginning

Please hurry. Please.


Sebbys pov

It didnt take me long to get in my car and drive like a madman.

My fay is in heat, and we need eachother. I need to find her. The smell got stronger the closer i got. Though it was still barley there.

I walked out, yelling at Zeke, my beta to control my position till im back. He never asked, just smirked at me and nodded.

Damn bastard.

I smiled at the thought, yeah hes a ass but hes also my best friend.

I frowned when i saw the sign on the sign of the road. Why did she go into New Hampshire?

I kept driving, the smell getting closer and closer. She cant be far. Maybe two hundred miles.

I smiled.

I'm coming darling.


Fays POV.

I have ran a hundred miles. That seems like a lot but i was a lot faster than humans, and i didn't get tire as quick. While a human could run a mile is five to seven minutes i could run in two to four

But now i was tired, and after finding a small bar like place i decided to go in and sit down.

"can i help you?" the bartender asked, cleaning a white shot glass with a white cloth.

"Just a water." a breathed out.

The fire was tolerable right now, probably because i was running- letting my wolf out just a bit. But i was unsure.

I still had to grip the bar table as if my life depended on it, but it was still, like i said, tolerable.

I bite my lip and he slid the water over, ice tinging against the glass. I barley was able to catch it. I took a gulp. The liquid flowed down, making the Sahara dessert the tropical rain forest. Damn it felt good.

I breathed a deep breathe.

'Mate.' Belle muttered in pain.

I understood then, she was taking even more of the fire off me.

I drank the water quickly, and looked at a clock. How was i hear for a half hour!?

I muttered a thanks to the bartender, and went in my pocket and found a dollor bill and a few quarters, before dumping it all in the tip jar.

I rushed out and said a sorry to my poor wolf. I never should of left him. All this shit just for my jealously. Just because he kissed a girl. Even though he deserved all the pain he got-or should of.

I ran fast. I had to make the pain stop. I could feel her losing it, the fire starting to bleed into my human veins.

My breathing was starting to get ragged but i fought it, i had to get to him...he was so far though.

__________________________________A half hour later (Still Fays POV)

It was all consuming once again, the pain. Overwhelming. I couldn't keep the cries from my lips. My poor fired lips.

'im sorry, i couldn't take it anymore.' belle said, ashamed.

I couldn't reply though, i could only keep my mind on running. I had too.

She knew i wasn't mad. God, i hope she does.

Then i heard tires screeching. My limping form shook. I cant. i cant.


I heard him, My mate.

His touch brought me back to reality. Igniting my body.

Dont attack him.

Tears suddenly poured from my eyes.

"Make it go away!" i pleaded.

It was sickening. How i begged him to do dirty things to me.

But he didn't instead he muttered.

"Oh no, darling. You'd hate me."

Then his lips met mine. Then his lips slid down my chin to my neck. Then he bite down hard before i could say no. But the fire stop, and a whole new pleasure shook trough me.

I knew what it meant.

'you are mine, and mine alone.'


I hope you enjoyed!!!! Now the fun starts c;

i will update after fifteen votes.

<3 comment and vote to be dedicated to!

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