Do hunting trips ever end well?

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"Merlin!" A yell can be heard from the physician's room.

"He's in his room sire." Gaius sighed, used to the Kings intrusions.

"Thank you Giaus," Arthur said as he stomped through the room to Merlin's door. What he saw made him laugh out loud. Merlin was sprawled out over the floor. He was tangled in his blankets and his limbs were going in extremely uncomfortable positions, he has his arm tucked under his stomach while one leg was still on the bed. He was drooling and snoring as well.

Arthur let out a soft chuckled, his friend was still just as amusing asleep as awake. Not that he'd admit that. Arthur turned it took in the servants quarters, he spotted a nice big water pitcher sitting on the dresser. An evil grin spread across his face.


I woke up to being drowned in water. I panicked like a normal person would when being drowned in their own bed. I tried to stand up but quickly realized just how tangled into my blackest I was. I then proceeded to fall back onto my ass.

"Rise and shine," Arthur said cooed, slamming down the pitcher, " you need to wash my armor, polish my sword, repair my chainmail, and muck out my stables. Oh, and we're going on a hunt so you need to pack provisions and prepare the horses."

I groaned, I hated hunting. It was the most pointless activity, your killing animals for nothing but pointless pride and fun.

"Quit whining like a girl Merlin. You better be done by midday or I'll have you in the stocks for a week!" Arthur called sauntering out of the physician's room.

I managed to untangle myself from the sheets and stand up. The water droplets fell in uneven patterns as I walk over to change my clothes. I sighed and go about spreading out my sheets to dry. After that's done I finished changing my clothes, tying my neckerchief around my neck. I pack some extra clothes and medical supplies for the hunt. Time to start my chores.

I head out of the physician's chambers and jog down to the armory. I reach to open the door but it swings forward and smacks me in the face, hard I might add. I feel my self slowly descending towards the floor when a big arm reaches out and grabs me before I make contact with the ground.

"Sorry mate! I didn't know you were on the other side of the door!" Gawain laughed. I spotted Percivale and Elyan standing behind him.

"It's fine, working for his royal pratness means I get whacked by flying objects all the time." I grin standing up properly.

"Well speaking of the princess we better be off to our training! See you in a bit for the hunting trip." As the knights pass by they all pat me on the shoulder. I chuckled to my self as I passed through the threshold of the door and back into the very back corner of the armory. But not before checking to make sure there was no one else in here.

I grab the kings armor and triple check that there is absolutely no one in here. I proceeded to wash and polish the royal prats armor and sword in record time. It thankfully took me a fraction of the time because I maybe cheated with my magic a little bit. I know Gaius is always getting onto me for using my abilities like this but Arthur gave me an unrealistic amount of work and an even more unrealistic time frame. I pilled everything into my arms, so I only have to make one trip and jogged into the kings quarters. I guess training ended early because when I entered Arthur was sat at his desk looking confused over a piece of paper.

"Well, don't think too hard or you'll hurt your self" I quipped as I plopped the pile of assorted metal parts on the expensive table.

"Oh shut up Merlin," he sneered looking up at me then to the pile of armor and then back to me "There is no way in hell you finished all that!"

"Would you like to inspect it, Sire" I put a tad more emphasis on sire just to piss him off.

"Yes, I think ill do just that!" Arthur said pushing his chest out trying to look superior. I stepped away and swung my arm out to present the armor. I then proceeded to stand next to the table with my arms crossed and leaned my weight onto my back leg. Arthur then proceded to pick up every little piece and inspect its glossy silver surface for even the slightest imperfections a single speck of dust probably would have set him off, that's how close he was inspecting this. Finally, he sighed in defeat.

He squinted his eyes at me " I don't know how you managed this but you definitely cheated." he mumbled, "Now hurry and help me into my hunting clothes."

I scoffed, "I am many things Sire but a cheater is definitely not one of them." I pulled his usual red blouse, black pants, and hunting boots. I dressed him trying to make it obvious I was hurrying and him being his bright self took notice of this.

"Well someone is in a hurry." Arthur inquired.

"Well not all of us can spend all day being confused by a piece of paper.I actually have things to do." I deadpanned as I finished the last lace on Athrurs boots. I started to ramble to my self, mainly so I don't forget everything I have to do; "Okay so not i have to muck out the royal stables, which we have a stable boy for but oh well, then I have to pack provisions for everyone and pack all the horses with back up arrows, betters, and weapons."

"Skip the stables this time I don't want to wait for your lazy ass. Just get the horses ready." Arthur said.

"Yes, Sire" I nod my head as I exit his chambers. I rush down the main stairs to get to the kitchen. I see a big bag full of provisions the kitchen staff had already prepared for me, they don't like me snooping around the kitchen so they just make a big bad for me to grab and go. Either way its easier for me this way so I'm definitely not complaining. After picking up the provisions i make my way across the courtyard and into to stables. I smile at the scene in front of me. The stable hands were already preparing the knights horses, with extra weapons too.

"Thanks, everyone, I really appreciate it!" I give them a big goofy smile. I received a chorus of "your welcomes" and "anytime".

"We left your horse and the Kings as well." one of the boys called.

"Alright thank you" I responded.

I trotted over to my horse and started attaching the sack of food and supplies to the horse. I tack him up and do some basic grooming. I then move to the king's horse and do the same, attaching some extra weapons. After I finished fussing with the two horses I led the others to the courtyard to wait for everyone. After waiting for a few minutes the lights slowly started trickling in one at a time. Finally, we were just waiting for Gawain, after a good ten minutes he finally showed up.

"All right let's go, everyone," Arthur called while swinging himself up onto the horse. The knights all cheered. They all also loved hunting for whatever reason. Well, it looks like its time for this hunting trip of hell to start.

I had a bad feeling as per usual.

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