Chapter Three

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Clariss had always known there was gossip between the two schools...

But this seemed insane.

A Never having a crush and everyone being excited about it?!

That was unheard of.

Evers usually scorned Nevers and their love attempts and Nevers usually didn't try...

But things had changed now and Evil could find love.

She guessed the times really had changed.

She found herself sniffling.

She really wished Lady Lesso was here.

Maybe she should help the albino somehow...

Clarissa considered her options quietly as she sat at her desk.


Hester had been feeling... weird all day, so she decided to go to the library on her own.

She left Anadil behind because... she didn't know why.

Usually she really enjoyed Anadil's company (not that she would admit that), but right now it just felt... weird.

Anadil saw Hester leave and let out a breath.

She flopped down on her bed and allowed herself to relax for a minute-

But before she had the chance to actually calm down for even a moment, the door opened.

And in walked 'Dean' Sophie.

Anadil let out a growl and forced herself to sit up.

Sophie reached up Anadil's bed and pulled out the soap and shampoo.

"No more procrastinating."

Anadil grimaced and prepared to argue.

"Anadil, he looked at you today, didn't he?" asked Dot.

Anadil froze for a moment, recalling Hester's face last night.

Anadil snatched the supplies from Sophie's hands and stalked into the bathroom, grumbling and cursing at Hester as she did so.


Anadil walked out of the bathroom, still grumbling and growling at the girl she had a crush on, careful not to say her name now that she was in the same room as Sophie.

Stupid Hester. Why does she have to be so perfect?! I'll kill her myself!

But Anadil knew she wouldn't do that.

She couldn't even imagine hurting her.

That just made her angrier.

Sophie grabbed the hairbrush again and ran it through Anadil's hair.

When she was done, Sophie looked at her with a smug smile.

"Am I good or am I good?" Sophie asked rhetorically.

Sophie left, whispering something to Dot on the way.



The albino turned toward her chocolate loving roommate.

"What?" she asked, sounding more aggressive than she probably should.

Dot was helping her after all. It wasn't Dot's fault that Anadil couldn't handle a crush without going insane.

"Sophie's right... we need to know if Hester's ever complimented you."

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