Looking Her Up

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Hero's POV:

My flight just landed very early in the morning which means I had a lot of time to kill before I would finally meet my co-star. Thinking of a few ways to kill time, I walk out of the airport and headed towards the car. After giving the driver the address of the hotel, I get a text from Jennifer saying she wants to talk to me sometime before my co-star, Josephine, shows up.

Blankly looking out the window for the rest of the drive, we finally arrived at the hotel. Once getting out and checking in, I head up to my room deciding to try and get as much sleep as I can before I meet Josephine. Reaching my room, I walk in throwing my suitcases in the corner of the room and set an alarm on my phone before going to sleep.


Three pounding knocks on my hotel door wakes me from my deep slumber. Rubbing my eyes as I get up from my bed, I head to the door quickly before whoever is on the other side decides to knock again. Opening the door I see Jennifer standing there. At first I was confused as to why she was standing there until I remember that she wanted to talk before Josephine arrived. I step aside and let her in. She walks in and takes a seat on a couch I didn't notice was there before as I close the door. Once I reach the couch and take a seat, she begins to talk.

"Ok, so I'm basically just going to tell you what the plan is for tonight, okay?" She says looking towards me. I nod, telling her that I'm listening so she can continue.

"When Josephine gets here, we will meet her in the lobby, tell her the plans before heading outside. We will go to a restaurant to meet everyone else and have dinner. I will drive myself to the restaurant while you and Josephine will go together in one car. After the dinner, you and Josephine will come back to the hotel. The two of you can get to know each other better or go your separate ways if it's late. Oh and be ready by noon tomorrow." She tells me as I try listening to the plans intently but end up failing. Thinking too much about getting to know more about Josephine, I tuned Jennifer out but caught the last part.

"Why? What are we doing tomorrow?" I questioned, confused since no one told me what we would be doing these whole two weeks besides getting to know Josephine.

"I'll tell that to the both of you later but Josephine should be here soon so I'll leave you to get ready. Meet me in the middle of the lobby when you're ready." She tells me before getting up to leave. She stops at the door before turning around with a questioning look on her face.

"Do you know what she looks like, Hero?" She says after a minute of her deciding if she should say that or not.

"Uh, yeah I know what she looks like." I slowly replied. My eyes that have been interested on the ugly hotel floor ever since she asked me that question now look up to hers. She has her eyebrows raised and makes a gesture with her hands, telling me to explain.

"On the flight over here, I realized that I didn't know what she looked and decided to look her up before scrolling through the few photos of herself." I sighed before telling her. She has a smile on her face as she turns to open the door. As the door closes I hear her yell that Josephine would be here in about half an hour.

Getting my arse off the couch, I head towards the bathroom to take a shower. Afterwards, I get dressed in dark blue jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and trainers. Grabbing everything I need for the evening, I put on some cologne and grab my hat. I paused for a moment, deciding if I should wear it or not. I decided to just bring it with me as I walk out of my room. Heading to the elevator I take a look at my phone, noticing that Jennifer texted me where we would meet. Getting into the elevator, I quickly run my fingers through my hair before the doors open again.

I stand in the middle of the lobby, like Jennifer told me when I notice someone walk it. It was a short woman with two big suitcases by her sides that made her look even more shorter if that's even possible. She walked ever so slowly looking around the room when I caught a quick glimpse of her face. Is that Josephine? As she continues to walk slowly closer to me, I couldn't tell if this woman is actually Josephine but it sure did look like her.

The woman's eyes catch mine and I can't seem to look away as she walks in my direction. At that moment, I was hoping she would walk faster so I can get a good look into those eyes I can't seem to ignore. Her eyes suddenly leave mine and look at something behind me. Only then could I hear Jennifer's heels tapping on the ground as she walked to me and stood by my side.

Not noticing that Jennifer is now trying to saying something to me, the beautiful woman that's been staring in our direction starts to walk fast toward us. Once she gets close enough everything starts to become clear. That's definitely her. When she finally reached us I couldn't help but start looking her up and down.

She had a small yet sculpted figure. Her fresh face free of no makeup. Her hair a shiny dirty blonde. It flowed in soft waves around her glowing, porcelain-like skin with a tint of pink covering her cheeks. The light hitting her tiny freckles perfectly making them stand out. Her eyes, framed by long thick lashes, were a bright yet warm, greyish green with what looked like a bit of blue as well, with dilated pupils that seemed to brighten up the room. Her lips, full and pink. That gentle smile taking place on her face makes everyone else wanna smile.

She is stunning.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat. Not giving a shit who it was, I kept my eyes locked on Josephine. Unfortunately, she quickly looked towards Jennifer noticing she was about to talk but I decided to tuned her out since I already knew what the plan was. This woman in front of me is absolutely breath taking. I just continued to mesmerize everything about her until they started to walk towards the door. Before I started to join them I took a quick glance at her ass in those jeans. What? Can you blame me?

Following directly behind Josephine, Jennifer leads us outside and tells us she'll meet us at the restaurant before heading to her car. Not realizing we had stopped walking, Josephine turns around and runs straight into my chest. My hands immediately dashed towards her waist to help steady her before dropping them back down by my side.

Oh bloody hell.

"Oh I'm sorry" She stuttered out. I caught the moon light perfectly over her face. The moon light made her eyes twinkle and if possible, look even better than it did in the lobby. But god her voice is so angelic that I want her to continue talking.

"Don't worry about it love" I eventually say with a smile taking its place on my face.

She tilts her head up and throws me her adorable smile my way before heading to the car. Before I turn around and walk with her, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. I noticed it was Jennifer. I soon realized that Jennifer had witnessed the small but memorable moment between me and Josephine. With a smirk forming on her face, she gets in her car and drives off. I stay still for a moment just trying to hide my damn blush before getting in the car with Josephine.

Fuck. This girl is gonna be the death of me.


this was hard for me to write so I hope it's okay at least. I originally planned to write this whole story in Jo's pov but as you can see I decided not to. I'll try my best to write a few in Hero's pov so you can see how he thinks but it'll mostly be Josephine. Besides that I hope you like it! Vote and comment if you want.

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