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Savannah's POV

I got up and got dressed, I ate breakfast then got drove to school... *outfit above*

I walked into my new school in Kansas. I knew absolutely no one. I just arrived here 2 days ago but I just got enrolled, my mother and father couldn't handle me so I live with my grandfather now... let's just say, I got in a lot of trouble at my old school in Florida and if I mess this up, I'm screwed.

I walked into my homeroom class and sat down in the back behind a blonde haired boy, a brown haired boy sat beside him, they exchanged a few looks then they looked at me for a while examining me before I started to question why they were looking at me

"What?" I ask the two kids looked at each other and then at me again "take a picture it will last longer" I say setting up resting my elbows on the desk, the blonde one began talking "you new?" He asked I nodded "just got here 2 days ago... today's my first day" I say "well, I'm Sam... that's Colby" he says pointing to himself then to the brown haired kid beside him

The one they call Colby started to blush a bit. He's actually kinda cute, but I don't have time for crushes, I need to focus on school. Couldn't hurt to make a few friends though I guess "well nice to meet you, Sam... and Colby, I'm Savannah" I say "where'd you move here from?" Sam asked "Florida actually" I say looking at my pencil and fiddling with it a bit "can I ask why you moved here? I mean, Florida to Kansas? What were your parents thinking" Sam laughed

"not my parents, my grandfather lives here and I wasn't the best kid at my old school so my parents sent me here to 'punish' me I guess.." I say "do you miss them?" Sam asked I shook my head "no, they were kind of drug addicts so it wasn't hard to leave them" I laugh "so do you speak or?" I ask the Colby kid "oh shit, right sorry... I'm Colby, well... my real name is Cole but everyone calls me Colby" he says "why?" I ask "huh?" He says "why do they call you colby?" I ask "nickname..." he says I nodded slowly, this kid was totally cute. He was a little emo, right down my alley though. Blue eyes, dark hair, dark clothes, ugh he's adorable.

"What classes do you have?" Sam asked "here" I say giving him my schedule "cool, dude she has every class with us" Sam says to Colby "great, we'll show you around" Colby says I smiled innocently and nodded "so can I ask why you weren't the best kid in your last school? Did you get kicked out?" Colby asked I nodded ashamed "yeah.." I say "what'd you do?" Sam asked "I-if it's not too personal" he adds "I-" "Brock, Golbach... stop talking. You must be Savannah Andrews, the new girl?" The teacher who I'm guessing was Mr. Dean asked, as he started that sentence Colby and Sam's eyes shot to him.

I nodded "Class, we have a new student her name is Savannah Andrews, I'd like if you welcomed her to our school" he says

After that Sam Colby and I began to talk again

"So anyway, what'd you do?" Colby asked "I-" I thought about it. I just met these kids I don't think I should tell them "I would rather keep that to myself for a little while longer" I say they nodded "so, Savannah how old are you?" Colby asked "like, when is your birthday?" He says "February 2nd, I'm 16." I say "we're a month apart" he laughed a little I smiled

We talked a little more about their home life and stuff

"So, do you have like any social media?" Colby asks I nodded "yeah, actually this probably sounds really stupid but I have like 28k subscribers on YouTube" I say laughing a little "twen- is that a joke?" Sam asked I shook my head no, "we just started and we do vine. We've thought about YouTube before though" Colby says "vine is pretty dope I guess, but you should totally do YouTube you'd be good at it" I assure them "the thing is, is we get a lot of shit from the other kids here and we aren't popular, we are just 2 nerds, we're lucky you are even talking to us" Sam says

I looked at Colby then to Sam

"You two? Nerds? You're right I shouldn't talk to you." I say slouching in my seat their smiles disappeared "I'm kidding. I don't stereotype" I say the smiled again "so can we get your number or something? I mean in less then a week is summer break and this weekend Sam and I are going to the mall you should come, it's really not far from my place" Colby says "yeah" I say

I wrote my number down and ripped the paper out of my notebook and gave it to them

"Thanks" Sam says "no problem" I laugh

*skip to lunch*

I sat with Sam and Colby and the football team came up to us "you going to be at the football game tonight pretty lady?" One asked "um, no" I say "oh come on" he pleaded I looked at Sam and Colby who seemed not amused "buzz off" I say "whatever. Have fun hanging with 2 boys and not men" he says laughing and they left

"Thanks got totally trying to save me back there" I say sarcastically to Sam and Colby, colby was setting beside me and Sam was I front of him they were talking about vine ideas I wasn't paying attention to them much. But Colby just so happened to catch my eye

I stared at him a little "Savannah wanna do that?" Sam asked "huh?" I ask looking at him "collab with us on vine" he says "oh um sure" I say "if I'm allowed..." I say "well why wouldn't you be?" Colby asked "my grandpa is fairly strict. Especially when it comes to boys, my aunt and uncle normally are there with their 4 year old and 6 year old. I normally have my hands full" I sighed "ohh, we understand if you can't go" Sam says Colby agreed "thanks guys" I say

*end of the day*

"Well savannah, will we se should tomorrow?" Colby asked I nodded "cool, alright bye then" he says I waved to them and walked to my grandpa's car "who were those boys?" He asked "friends, I met them today..." I say "do they make good grades?" He asked I nodded "good." He says

And with that we went home.

Get you the moon// Colby brock जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें