Part 1

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I was sitting alone in my room yet again "sigh", I blasted songs by black veil brides over the stereo, because I knew my family would hate it, argh they were so annoying

My thoughts were interrupted by an ad for THE TALENT popping up on my tv screen, " if only I had the courage" I muttered to myself, it looked like the best experience

This is where I should launch into a fabulous and heartfelt story about how i had been singing for years and was told that it may never be possible to sing again, because of some condition. But the truth is I just like to sing, and would love an acting career, but I just don't know how to get where I want to be.

"Nicole you better be ready for school, we are leaving in 5" my mum shouted from the kitchen, with that annoyingly fake cheeriness, that in wasn't even going to pretend to enjoy this early in the morning.

I snatched my schoolbag from where it was sitting on top of my dresser and switched of the music, as I headed towards the front door and shouted " don't worry I'll just walk" I was so agitated with my mum, why did she have to be so... I don't even know what she did to make me feel this mad argh

I may have left the house, but I had no intention of going to school.

Firstly I went to the local shops, so I could have breakfast, but as I was sitting down at 'Nilivias cafe' I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and whisper "what happened to you Coley I thought you were a good girl, didn't you know you would get in trouble?" I turned around and saw Alex Raven.

I was quite shocked, I mean he is irresistibly handsome, and he hardly ever talked to me, I mean whenever he talked to me he usually just wanted something, one time he talked to me because he heard that I had a good sized house for parties, and he wanted to know if I was interested, which of course was a no. But most of the time he just wanted money, my friends and I assumed it was for drugs or something.

Alex had perfectly tanned skin, and beautiful blonde hair. He looks as though he had to be the most perfect person. And don't even mention those stunningly blue eyes. Which are staring at me with amusement wait... did he just ask me something?

"look I know I'm beautiful but..." Oh did I mention he is also the worlds biggest dick head

"Oi you can't call me a dickhead" omg did I say that out loud...

I honestly didn't have any time for this, I mean he was probably just after money. Giving him my best agitated glare, I stood up, grabbed my bag and headed to the counter, and asked for an egg and bacon sandwich for takeaway. Of course when I wondered to the side while waiting for my order, I stumbled and fell into something hard.

" watch it babe" came his annoying voice, write in my ear.

Omg could he get anymore annoying. Once I stabled myself I turned and nodded slightly at him, but decided not to delight him with a smile.

"Nicole?" My name had been called by the small plump lady standing behind the counter.

I turned and walked towards the counter once again, receiving my sandwich, not even glancing in Alex's direction and ignoring the calls of coley as I walked out of the small cafe.


I spent the day shopping.

I know what your thinking, sooo cliche, but the thing is sometimes shopping is needed. Of course because it is me, Nicole Heronwell I had to spend a quick hour browsing for something to buy in dymocks, the book store. Yes I am a book nerd and proud.

I picked up two books, the maze runner, and the finisher.

I checked my phone for any messages. I may be angry with my mum, but I still didn't want her thinking I was dead or something nasty like that. I had no message from mum, but I was surprised to find that I had one from Olivia, she would rather be dead than be seen texting during school. It was then that I realised it was 4:00 and school had long ended. I rushed to text her back, while rummaging thought my purse to find some cash to give the cashier. I then quickly returned to the main mall area, where I was meeting her.

I spotted her standed awkwardly near the entrance of Kmart, and I walked over to her.

"Hey liv!"

"Oh my gosh, where have you been?"

"Um.... In the book store" I said slowly, knowing she would be disappointed in me

"Argh never mind, we really need to leave, and you made us miss the bus" she looked really agitated, and I felt so bad, I didn't think it was this important that we needed to be on time, I mean I didn't even know where we were going

She continued rambling on about who knows what, but I was distracted by a voice I heard approaching.

"Hey princess" the deep voice said as I turned around. Olivia squealed as she pushed me out of her way, and sprang into her older brothers arms.

"Hey Liam" I said with a small wave

He started to reply when Olivia's voice took over " Liam, my darling brother who I love soooo so sooo much, can you please drive me and Nikki"

I am going to try something different , for the character of Nicole, I am going to use a person for that character that isn't famous, but I will still post pictures for it :) if you have any questions let me know :D

The Bad boy or My Life?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें