Phase 0 | Eclipse

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~ Alex Moon Point Of View ~

"Hi, I'm Alex Moon. Granddaughter of the well-known Scientist, Ethologists and Astrologist Dr. F. Moon, short for Felix Moon or as I call him, grandpa. He studies the behaviour of animals and creatures you have never seen before. He writes everything down in his journal, how they look, walk, behave, communicate, he even tries to mimic their way of communication so he can understand them, talk with them, be one of them. He also makes the coolest inventions to help those creatures, he makes compasses that find more than your way home. He makes hourglasses that stop time for a few minutes. You can name it, he makes it. His last creation had to do with his other specialty Astrology . He made a telescope that could see through planets. Scan them for living creatures and it could tell you exactly what species, how old, where it came from and everything else you needed to know. It was truly magnificent. I always aspired to be like my grandpa, he is my hero. but, you might be wondering Alex, how in earth's name did you get here, with a creature of 2,30m, horns, claws, wings and all those hidden powers as your best friend? Well, it all started when I was 6 years old."

~ Flashback to 2004 ~  

When I was 6 years old I was wandering around in our house. With our house I mean the house my grandpa and I live in. We live in this big house my grandpa and dad built together a few years back before my mom and dad passed away. 

I was 4 years old when this happened. My mom and dad where just like my grandpa very adventurous. They'd always go on expeditions and investigate all sorts of land and creatures. But one day they went on an adventure and never came back. A strange creature jumped in-front of their car which made their car go off road. Their car was found in a ravine a few days later close to our home. They both didn't survive the crash. My grandparents became my guardians and raised me as their own. My grandma died when I turned 6, so that was not too long ago. She died a peaceful death, not of disease or accident, but of old age. We buried her close by our house in a flower field next to my parents. They all have their own grave stone my grandpa and I made together. We visit their graves a lot, Sing songs for them, talk to them, I usually pick a few flowers for them, from the the field they lay in, to put on their grave. I may be very young and I might not fully understand the situation yet, but it did have a big impact on me. I always felt lonely. We lived far from the city, I didn't go to school, because my grandpa was a genius and he taught me everything I needed to know. I'd watch my grandpa make all kinds of gadgets, I'd investigate small creatures with him and we'd always look at the stars together at night. He always told me: " Alex, whenever you feel lonely, look at the stars. They are always there for you. You may not always see them, but in the darkest times they are right there to protect you."

I would play with my stuffed animals by the window all the time. It was late in the evening and my grandpa was working on a projects of his. He let me stay in, because he told me an eclipse would appear. He said to me that the last time he saw an eclipse was on my 4th birthday and on my actual birth-day. He said it was no coincidence and that it was some sort of sign,  something major would happen. I grabbed one of my favourite plush and hug it tight, it was a Winnie the Pooh plush I got from my mother when I turned 3. I took it everywhere. My grandpa took a seat behind me in his big chair. We had this big glass roof we could see through, which my grandpa used to look at the stars with his telescopes, for Astrology. He took me on his lap and told me the Eclipse was about to begin. He placed a special pair of glasses on my nose. "That's to look at the eclipse without hurting your eyes." He said as he put on a pair himself. We looked up to the sky and saw the moving Sun and Moon. "I find it so fascinating that two totally opposite things, can make such a beautiful and powerful thing." My grandpa whispered. I smiled at his comment. Soon the Eclipse was in its full state and showed it's beauty high in the night sky. When we looked out of the glass roof we saw a shining light coming from the Eclipse. It looked like it grew bigger, but in reality it just came closer. "Look grandpa, a falling star make a wish!" I yelled. I thought it was a falling star, but my grandpa knew it was something else.  It came closer and closer, moving faster every second. The shining light seemed to be a circular object with a purple glow around it. My grandpa grabbed his telescope and looked through it, trying to figure out what it was, but it moved too fast, all he said was: "It's alive." He put the telescope down and followed it with his eyes. "It's going towards the woods." He confirmed. The way that thing was glowing was unbelievable. I couldn't help, but be a little afraid. "It's okay Alex, I'm here, don't be afraid. You're my tough girl." I smiled at him and nodded. 

The object was seconds away from crashing into the ground. A loud bang echoed around the area when it hit the ground. "Grab your shoes Alex, We are going to investigate. I need to know if it's alive." he said. I rushed to get my red rain boots and put them on. My grandpa grabbed his bag with his gadgets and went outside, I held his hand and followed him into the woods. He had an advanced lantern he made a while back that produced an insane amount of light, so we could see easily into the dark. We followed the purple glow that came out of the woods and soon saw what looked like a piece of the galaxy. "Wow, grandpa, I think the galaxy broke!" I told him. He laughed. "it sure looks like it, but look, it moves." it was indeed moving. As we came closer we saw it was a big egg of some sort. It had a few cracks in it which worried my grandpa. " I hope the creature is okay." He grabbed a some sort of scanner and began to scan the egg. "It's an unknown species, Heart rate is high, but it seems that it is still alive. We need to take it home to make sure it's safe." He carefully took the egg and walked home with me beside him. 

When we were home he told me to go get some blankets and form them into some sort of nest form. I did what I was told and made a little nest in my room. "Did you do what I asked for honey?" He asked me. "Yes, but I made it in my room so she wouldn't be alone." I giggled. He smiled. "How do you know if it's a she? it could be a he as well." he said as we walked up to my room. "I just know." I told him. He smirked while he carefully placed the egg into the pile of blankets. The purple glowing stopped when the eclipse was over, now it just looked like a piece of the galaxy. "Now we must sleep. We will check on it tomorrow." He told me. I nod and quickly grabbed a little plush I made with my grandpa's help. It's a little Tamago sushi plush with cute little eyes and a mouth. I placed it carefully inside the blanket pile next to the egg. "Tamago will keep you warm and safe." I said and quickly waddled to bed. Grandpa laughed. "My sweet girl, go to sleep now honey." He kissed my forehead and wished me goodnight. 


a few days past, not much had happened yet. I checked on the egg every few hours with my grandpa, but it seemed like there where a few extra cracks, but nothing major yet.  I just got dressed and put on my little red rain boots as I love them so much. As I wanted to walk away to go see grandpa I heard a cracking noise.  My eyes widened as I ran up to the egg. I looked at the egg as it started to move. I leaned over it to see what was happening, when suddenly a little tail came out of a little crack of the egg. I gasped as I noticed a bigger crack had formed at the front of the egg showing me a little eye looking through the hole. "Grandpa!" I yell. 

"The Eclipse is hatching!"

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