Chapter 1

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The sun rose as did I, Father was just leaving for work and Finn was still resting, waiting until I would wake him to break his fast. Same as every morning. "Morning Da" "Morning and goodbye darling" My father left to go carpentry shop, for he is a carpenters apprentice. After my mother died my father got released from his current trade, he was struggling to support my brother and me, an almost full grown woman and a new baby. My father looked for work while I took care and raised the baby, and then he found the perfect trade, carpentry, he earned more coin than before and was closer to home. I kissed my father on the cheek and bid him farewell. I grabbed the pale by the door and headed out to the well to fetch water to start the porridge.


"Jonah, tis high time you take responsibility and marry, you have five and twenty years, you soon will be surpassing middle-aged. When I pass you will take my title as lord of the manor, and you shall need an heir, you must have a bride. As of now, you may have the one of your choosing with exception of course since you insist on falling in 'love'. you have a fortnight from today, or I will choose for you." I grabbed my tunic and stormed away, expectantly my father followed "where are you going ?" I did not stop to answer him " for a ride far away from the castle" "but..." I could no longer hear him for he must have stopped his following a while back. I saddled up my stallion, Arion, and rode. Wishing to find a place where my troubles would not dare haunt me. I know not, how long I had been riding when we came across a well, I stopped hoping to get a quick drink and collect myself. I study the well before I sit down. The woodwork is amazing whoever crafted this must be a talented carpenter. I mumble to myself I sat in complete silence for a few moments, until a soft but stern voice broke the trance. "Who are you, and what do you want?" She must not be able to see me clearly for surely she would recognize me. I pulled my hood close and hid slightly behind the well, though I could not say if t'was for cover or protection from the apple she looked ready to throw at the first sign of danger. I stood up trying to keep my face hidden while not frightening her "I am truly sorry Miss, I did not know this belonged to anyone ." "Tis quite alright will you be on your way?"I sighed her sweet voice is beautiful "I had hoped to stay a little while longer and contemplate all of the struggles of living" she chuckled, the sound made my heart race as if it were a heard of stampeding horses " I guess as long as that is all you plan on accomplishing you may stay" staying true to the struggle, luck was not on my side. The wind blew my hood right off of my head, I heard a gasp and something drop, I know she recognized me. I looked at her and found something unexpected, she was breathtakingly beautiful with her flaming red hair that framed her pale slim complexion and her bright sea green eyes, she was dressed in a dark blue cloth gown, t'was tight up top and flowed out around the waist. the dress was well worn and had obviously been mended multiple times. I also noted that she was kneeling and speaking... what did she say, I was fairly busy admiring her. "...will not happen again sir, I swear on my life." I cleared my throat "what did you say?" her face cleared of all emotion but fear " Ummm I said I am sorry sir I did not recognize you with your hood covering you, I meant no disrespect and if you let me live t'will" "not happen again" I finished for her, she nodded "Tis quite alright milady" she was still on her knees "I am no lady sir...just a commoner" A beautiful one " please rise" she did, I must find a way to see her again after today think, Jonah, think "I will let you live if you would meet me here tomorrow "of course milord but I shall have to bring my little brother with me for he is much too young to stay home alone." "Tis fine" she picked up the bucket she dropped and filled it with water. "Meet me here at this time." she nodded and turned to leave but paused "I truly am sorry milord" she grinned and I nodded trying not to, but she has an infectious grin, I smiled. "Tis alright love" she left but that smile would not leave me the rest of the day. The sooner I retire for the evening the sooner I shall see her beautiful smile again.

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