Chapter 23: Worshipped

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Harry's eyes met mine. "I'm going to try, Hermione."

"Good." I stood up. "What do you say we head back?"

Instead of answering, Harry stood and wrapped and arm around my shoulder. Together we made our way through the doors and entered Hogwarts. It was a rather quiet walk since I was leaving Harry to his thought. Suddenly I felt myself jolt to a stop and it was then that I saw Cho walking out of the girl's laboratory. She didn't notice us but I saw as Harry watched her go.

"It's okay to forgive her, you know."

"After what she did? She gave us to Umbridge, Hermione."

We had started walking again once the coast was clear. "Not of her own free will."

"What was that?"

I never got a chance to answer because just then Cedric appeared around the corner wand at the ready. He relaxed his stance when he saw us and strode over asking us what we had been up to.

"Just went for a walk." I answered. "No worries, Mr. Diggory, we're headed back now."

"Not you, Miss Granger. I think I need to do a thorough search."

Harry held his hands up. "Alright! That's my cue to leave. Thanks for the talk, Hermione. See you around, Cedric."

When Harry disappeared, Cedric pulled me in for a passionate kiss. It caught me off guard and I allowed my arms to wrap around his neck and pull him down to me as one of my legs popped. The hallway was empty except for the sounds of our labored breathing. Suddenly there was a bustle and Cedric pulled down a corridor just in time to watch Crabbe and Goyle with their Inquisitor Squad pins scanning the hallway.

"That was close." I whispered.

"Not as close as this."

Cedric pulled me tight to his body so that I could feel his defined muscles underneath his robes. My chest was heaving with the energy it took to get a breath in and when he kissed me again it was seconds before he had to travel down my neck and the length of my collarbone.

"What do you say we take this somewhere private?" He breathed against my skin.

"Where?" I stated. "Umbridge is everywhere."

He pulled back and brushed my hair from my face. "There's one place I know she hasn't been in yet."

His hand took mine and we raced towards a-unknown to me-destination. We had to hide at several passages because someone was roaming or a member of the IS was looking around for rule breakers. Finally we slowed down near a familiar hallway and I beamed at Cedric.


He smiled back and looked down at his watch. He showed me the time was just after midnight. "A year ago today a beautiful girl captured every part of me. She was beautiful and smart and fragile yet I saw something in her. A passion and fire that even she hadn't noticed. She sat here with me and cried over a boy who had broken her heart and I let her escape her problems for a night. She gave me more than that. She gave me a shot at love. Happy anniversary, Hermione."

Tears streamed down my face and I kissed him with all I had. "Happy anniversary!"

"What do you say we relive our first night together?"

I nodded for words escaped me and let Cedric lead me towards the prefect's bathroom. The room echoed as we walked in and I watched as the mermaid in the stained-glass window brushed at her long hair. The water was running in the luxurious bathtub but Cedric walked us towards one of the showers.

With expert fingers he slowly removed all articles of clothing and I stood there for him naked. He took a moment to appreciate all that I had given him and slowly captured my mouth with his own. Using the same care he had used with me I removed his robes only releasing his hold on me when it was necessary.

Just Like Magic (Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger Fan fiction) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora