𝖎𝖎𝖎. 𝖆 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖔𝖋 𝖜𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖘

ابدأ من البداية

   The excitement that filled the air was almost palpable as Alexandra proceeded to walk in the opposite direction to the Ravenclaw tower after dinner; students of all ages chatted among one another as they made their way to their common rooms.

As announced before the start-of-the-term feast, the Triwizard Tournament was to take place at Hogwarts; while banned for years, the event had been reinstated and two delegations from fellow Wizarding Schools had joined the rest of the students.

Dinner at Hogwarts was far from a dull affair, yet this one, at least in Alexandra's humble opinion, had to be one of the most eventful. After a rather odd mishap with the enchanted ceiling, their Headmaster had introduced the new Defence Against the Dark professor; Alastor Moody.

Alexandra herself didn't know much about the man, just tales her parents would share in regards to the days they fought alongside Moody in attempt to defeat Voldemort, a wizard that had managed to instill even more terror than her grandfather ever did. While she was fairly certain that the man would have proved himself to be a rather interesting professor, Alexandra was one who never relied on tales and rumours, for she preferred to form her own opinion even when it came to authority figures such as Hogwarts' professors.

The blonde's footsteps echoed through the corridors as she made her way towards the Headmaster's office.

She'd written to the wise wizard a week prior to the start of term, for that fateful night she had awoken in cold sweats, her trembling hands barely able to hold a quill once she had accepted the fact she could not face her nightmares on her own.

Alexandra had received a short reply on behalf of her Headmaster; in the letter, the wizard had instructed her to seek him out after the feast in order to discuss the issue at hand and urging her not to share this with anyone just yet.

Having spoken the password, the blonde was let through the hidden passage by the towering statue that guarded the entrance to the Headmaster's office. The noise caused by the material of her shoes was all she could hear as she climbed the moderately small set of stairs that would have brought her in front of the room's main door.

"Miss Grindelwald, do come on in." Alexandra had barely touched the surface of the door, when the comforting voice of Albus Dumbledore reached her ears.

Stepping inside the room, Alexandra was once more met with the astonishing assortment of books, knick-knacks and whatnot, that had first left her in awe back during her first year. Sure, this visit was about to be far different from her very first one, for the first time she'd ever spoken to the wizard in his office was due to the fact she'd hexed a second-year bully on school grounds. Back then she was slightly astonished by the fact that the Headmaster had let her go without so much as mere detention, inadvertently laying the foundation for the trust and respect Alexandra now held towards the man.

"Sit, sit. Lemon drop?" The older wizard asked, his eyes twinkling behind the half-moon spectacles he wore at all times.

"No, thank you, Sir." Alexandra replied as she took a seat directly in front of the wizard, her left leg bouncing and foot tapping rhythmically due to her nerves. The blonde was at a loss for words, how could one approach the topic of her affliction without sounding completely insane? Luckily, the wise wizard before her seemed to have sensed her uneasiness, for he slowly clasped his hands on top of the desk before addressing her himself.

"Shall we talk about what's bothering you? In your letter, you mentioned dreams which content is mostly obscure to you." Dumbledore started, his kind eyes settling on Alexandra's. "What are the things you do remember?"

TAINTED BLOOD ━ FRED WEASLEY ( editing )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن