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Object class: Keter

SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-117 Is contained is a Highly secured cell with titanium metal walls that are 10 inches thick, with one door, and no windows with a cooling system to bring the room to -0 degrees, a food panel (to give food) that raw meat is given to it. that needs Level-5 clearance to enter in site-19. SCP-117 must be heavily sedated before movement, with tranquilizers, a human muzzle, a straight jacket, and a blindfold and monitored by 4 armed guards before interrogation and in interrogation the guards will have the guns trained on it at all times.

while SCP-117 is mostly docile and cooperative most of the time, it can grow aggressive, and violent, mostly to males while saying "I hate liars". other than that, SCP-117 is mostly cooperative with our Female staff, but will once in a while show aggression and proceed to try and get out of its restraints while saying the previous statement. We tested it and showed anyone who is unfaithful, marriage or religious, is it's primary targets.

Description: SCP-117 is a humanoid entity, roughly 2.5 meters in height, with the appearance of a normal male in his early 20's. X-rays have shown SCP-117 has a bone structure, but are not connected. it barely wears anything other than Black tattered pants. it has long smooth hair, that most of the women Envy, blood red eyes with no whites or blacks in the eyes. it has elongated nails that resemble claws on both hands and feet, with teeth that resemble crocodile or shark teeth. SCP-117 has a body mass of a heavyweight boxer. has scars over its body that go from its head to the bottom of its feet. it can speak modern or old English.
if becomes aggressive and succeeds to break its restraints, SCP-117 will attack all it sees, in Exception to Dr.____, once everyone is killed in the room, it will either crawl and to a corner of the room and lay down to sleep, or will crawl to Dr.____ and proceed to cuddle her. in witch, she will have to take SCP-117 to his cell herself. If she isn't in the room the guards will shoot it with both live ammunition and high doss tranquilizers. if Dr.____ is in the room, everyone is ordered to leave the area immediately, as to where if someone will try and separate them, SCP-117 will use the blood around him and either turn into a beast of large proportions, or will use the blood like a whip based weapon that can cut through almost anything, or other weapons with similar results (mainly melee based weapons). the length of its abilities has not been tested and won't be until further notice.

Discovery: SCP-117 was found in ______ at ______ in ____/1555. we heard of a beast that was killing people in the woods, mostly males and was eating them. we found SCP-117 in a cave covered in fur that appeared to be wolf, once it knew of there presence it attacked Lt._______ after looking at him for a while, after killing Lt.______ (lightly putting it), and then growled and circled around the remaining agents. they proceeded to fight before agent ______ shot it in the mouth knocking it out. we then proceeded to capture it. we asked Sgt. ______ what happened. he refused to respond. he told him that if he didn't comply, he would be terminated. he still refused, saying that death would be a gift after what he saw. he was terminated shortly with a smile on his face and showed gratitude

Note: we know little of what triggers SCP-117's aggressions, other then the unfaithful. But even then he has turned aggressive in the presence of a person he has seen many times

Doctor Hayden
____, ____, 2005

Hayden: hello 117, I'm Doctor Hayden.

117: *said nothing but pulled on the titanium chains that held it down*

Hayden: yes I'm sorry about the chains but you are very dangerous


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