
It was approximately ten o'clock. Makoto and Minako had been studying for about four hours together.

"Hey, that was the last of it." Minako yawned, stretching her arms a bit. "You should prob-"

Minako stopped speaking and just focused on staring at Makoto at the moment. He had somehow fallen asleep, his whole body on her bed, books haphazardly placed around there. Her expression softened upon looking at him.

The only person who she opened up the most to was Makoto. Even though he didn't reply to her most of the time, or the two didn't hang out a lot, she felt closest to him.

Minako gently ran her hand through his blue locks, loving how soft his hair was every time she did that.

If the two were exactly a like and one, did he use the same shampoo as her? If so, then what the hell was she doing wrong. Her hair was nowhere soft and smooth like his. That thought left more things in her head. He already used the same model of headphones as hers, which was pretty surprising to him at first, they both had the same taste in music. He even liked the same food as her yet he restrained himself from eating too much sugar.

His height was definitely slightly more than hers. They were also total opposites, that was certain.

Minako stiffened when she felt Makoto shift a little.


Minako's eyes widened, feeling sadness cloud her. It was hard, but she somehow had gotten over her parents death in these last years. Makoto was the same, but nightmares were always there. She remembered having terrible nightmares in her cycle as well. And the worst part was she had no one to talk about it with.

Minako leaned down, hovering over Makoto on her bed, her legs on each side of his waist.

Fuck, if Mitsuru or anyone would barge in, she was definitely going to get kicked out. But seeing Makoto so vulnerable like that, she had to do this.

Minako gently shifted him to his side. She then proceeded to get off of him and take off his shoes and her own. Minako threw a blanket on top of Makoto and layed next to him after placing her pillow on his head. It was alarming how he didn't wake up. Maybe he was more like her and was a heavy sleeper. She rubbed soothing circles on his back, trying to ease the pain he was feeling in.

Minako knew she shouldn't be doing this but she just felt the need to do so. She layed close to him, her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat, with her arms wrapped around him.

Minako gasped quietly, feeling the warmth of another person like this after decades. Makoto was so warm, it made her feel all fuzzy inside and her breathing became shallow.

Being chained for decades made her forget how human touch and warmth felt like. But now, she craved it more than ever.

"I'll always protect you." Minako whispered soothingly in Makoto's ear before placing a tender kiss on the boy's forehead. She snuggled closer to him once again and let a few tears escape from her eyes from the feeling of holding someone.

It was alright if he slept in her room for one night, right?


The next morning...

Makoto's eyes woke up first and adjusted his eyes to the light.

Makoto shifted a bit but stopped when he felt arms wrapped around him. He froze and looked down to see Minako completely pressed against him in an embrace, a blanket around the two.

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