Call Me Irresistable

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By all means let's be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out. 

...Richard Dawkins

Hermione POV

Finally the whole class seem to more or less accepted the fact that I the Griffyndor Princess was wearing the stupid stinking Slytherine Prince's jersey. I pinched the bridge of my nose in fustration . This Day kept getting better and better I thought sarcastically to myself.

Professor Snape was livid with anger at our impudence, and looked like he was ready to unleash his 'unfathomable' anger upon all of us . Fortunately or rather unfortunately the whole class seemed to gather the fact and immediately returned to their seat leaving only a few inches of the marble flooring between us and Professor Snape.

I grimaced and braced myself for his unbelievably long boring speech about punctuality as I felt Draco stiffen in respect to his supposedly most admired professor. Nevertheless , his hand was still tightly gripping mine , blatantly refusing to let go.

"Granger and Malfoy as punishment both of you shall do detention with me every monday evening until I am appeased . Now since both are you are unacceptably late , I have no choice but to piar the both of you together for the rest of my lessons. My jaw dropped.

"I suggest you save whatever you were going to say Granger and you too Malfoy . My word is final. Besides you two seems to have developed some partnership prehaps ..." He trailed off as he  paused to briefly glance at our interwined hands with an unreadable look in his eyes.

He caught us looking at him and snapped impatiently, " What are you waiting for?"

We scurried to the desk at the back of the class and settled down, trying to be less conspicuous.

" Now class, before I was so rudely interrupted ..." he shot us a death glare before continuing, " I am honoured to tell you that we are offered an internship at Osepedale Elegante which in case if some of you ignorant fools don't know is one of the world most renowned hospitals in world which is located in Paris , France. One , I repeat only one would have the glorious honour of being their intern and I would have the pleasure of selecting that individual..."

"Thats going to be me." I mumured but realised that Malfoyed had also exactly mumured the exact same thing. I froze in shock , why the bloody hell would Malfoy want the exact same thing I want.

"What?!" we both shouted in unsion

"Ms Granger , Mr Malfoy watch it." Snape berated us.

Narrowing my eyes , if this is some childish immature joke from the all so 'powerful' Malfoy to stop me from getting what I want he better hope for a death wish because nobody, I repeat nobody messes with Hermione Granger. I immediately yanked my hand out of his and looked the other way. Draco looked confused but wisely decided not to say anything.

"Class dismissed"

I jerked out of my seat , grabed my books and pulled Ginny along and hurried to my dormitory. I am going to teach Malfoy a lesson or two. And see if that infuriatingly sexy smirk would ever appear on his face ever again.

Draco pov

"That bloody bookworm has gone entirely mental !" I shouted fustratedly to Blaise.

"A Malfoy gets what a Malfoy wants , she isn't going to bloody stop me from getting the internship. Why the bloody hell does she want that anyway, she is alredy a war heroine..." unable to help my self a ranted uncontrollably to Blaise.

"And she has to be all so filrtatious and seductive. She wants me right Blaise ? Obviously, I mean no one rejects me, I reject people.She wants me, she wants me real bad right Blaise? Blaise? Blaise!" I bellowed with impatience .

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