Coming Out by SlytherinDaughterofAthena

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Harry Potter was walking back from the Great Hall after dinner one night when he was suddenly grabbed and pulled into an abandoned classroom. He turned to snap at whoever dared to grab him but instead snapped his mouth shut when he saw his boyfriend of three years standing there smirking.

"What do you want?" Harry sighed as he leaned back on a desk and ran a hand through his messy, jet black hair.

"What? A guy can't say hello to his boyfriend?" Draco Malfoy questioned, raising a perfect eyebrow. His shoulder-length, white-blonde hair was pulled back with a silver ribbon and his Slytherin robes were crisp and immaculate; he was crisp and immaculate.

"You can't just grab me like that," Harry argued. "What if I was with someone?"

"You're never with someone at this time," Draco pointed out. "You eat faster than your friends and you always leave alone," Draco smirked when Harry sighed and shook his head.

"Fine," Harry said. "You're right, but that doesn't mean you grab me."

"Well, what else am I supposed to do?" Draco inquired. "It's not like I can ask to meet with you in public. No one knows of our relationship and they would freak out if the Slytherin Prince asked the Gryffindor Golden Boy to meet with him when everyone knows we're rivals."

"Well…" Harry turned away from his boyfriend and spoke up hesitantly. "We don't need to keep it a secret…"

"Harry," Draco sighed exasperatedly. "We've been through this. We can't tell anyone."

"And why not?" Harry snapped turning to face his lover, his Avada Kedavra eyes flashing angrily. "Why must we keep this a secret?"

"We've been through this, love," Draco explained patiently. "Nobody would understand; they'd think that I put you under the Imperious or something else ridiculously crazy. Besides, my parents-" Here, Draco was cut off.

"Your parents would understand!" Harry exploded. "You keep telling me that they love you more than anything! You have told me that all they want is your happiness! And now you're telling me that they won't understand?"

"No, they won't," Draco replied, shaking his head.

"So, you won't even consider coming out?" Harry asked after a few minutes of silence passed between the two.

"No, I won't," Draco stated firmly. "At least not while we are in school. Maybe a few years after we graduate and have steady jobs, but certainly not in school."

"I didn't want to have to do this," Harry said softly as he stood up straight. "But I can't keep doing this. You don't understand what this means to me. I spent the first eleven years of my life believing I was hated, a freak, someone who didn't deserve love. All I want is for someone to love me and not care if others disapprove. Are you positive we can't tell anyone?"

"Absolutely," Draco responded without missing a beat. "It's for the best." He added gently.

"And so is this," Harry sighed sadly. "I can't do this anymore. If you're not willing to have a public relationship, then I'm not willing to have any relationship."

"Are you saying…?"

"We're through Draco," Harry looked up at Draco sadly. There were tears in his emerald green eyes and Draco took a step forward. "I'm sorry." And then, he was gone and Draco was left alone wondering what went wrong…

Drarry Oneshots! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora