~Time Skip~

Two jets flew towards the Canadians Rockies, one conaining the X-men and one containing the avengers. (A/N Clint is not with them, he has been on some completely irrelevant mission the whole time)

Lila was woken from her peaceful slumberby a peculiar sound. It was quieter than an earthquake but louder than a lion's roar. She flew up to the tops of the trees and perched to watch two large metal objects that resembled birds land in an open plain. Ramps came down and people emerged. She instantly felt a strong mental prescence sweep the area. An elderly man in a wheelchair turned to face exactly where she was perched. "There." He pointed. All of the strangers turned to look at her. Lila stood on her perch, spreading her wings, jumping and gliding to the ground. The new faces amongst Lila's pursuers watched with awe. She folded her wings onto her back and stood tall before them. "Can I not ever have any peace? Why must you keep chasing me when I have never done anything to wrong any of you people?" Lila was angry but also genuinely curious as to the reason of their relentless pursuit of her. Lila felt a prescence creeping into her min, trying break down her mental barriers. She shoved it out and snarled, "Get out of my head!" Xavier looked shocked that he couldn't access her mind. She had somehow overpowered him, pushing him out. "Come quietly and we wont have force you."Ordered a dark skinned man with an eyepatch. She already didn't like him. "I have not acted in any way to warrant such treatment! I demand you leave me be!" He sighed, feigning disappointment at her obstinence. He turned to a large man with unusual clothing. Plated armour and a long, crimson cape."Thor?" He asked. Thor nodded. He lifted his immense hammer, instantly attracting lightning. The bright flashes blinded her so she did not see when he redirected the lightning....at her. She stumbled at first, but quickly gained her footing and planted her feet firmly as the lightning continued to strike her. They all watched as her eyes turned a bright, almost flourescent, blueish-white. The exact colour of the lightning. Thor halted and they all held their breath....

She threw her head back and breathed out all of the excess electricity that had just been stored in the organ of her body that makes her fire-breathing possible. In essence, Lila breathed lightning. As the bright, flashing lightning bolts shot from her mouth, her eyes slowly faded to their natural deep purple.She raised an eyebrow at the group of peolpe before her, most of which had their jaws on the ground."Care to try that again? I wont expel it into the air next time." She warned, still having no wish to harm them unless completely necessary. Bobby ran at her. "Bobby don't!" Tony knew what Lila would do. "Leave me alone." She said loudly, but he stubbornly kept coming, throwing ice shards at her, desperate to prove himself to his team mates."I'm sorry, but you leave me no choice." She breathed in slowly and softly breathed out a long stream of a sad, blue fire. She did not want to hurt anyone, to prove the words that had been engrained into her for more years than she can count. That she was a monster. Her sole purpose was destruction, that all she could do was kill and destroy. But these peolpe, they left her no choice, she had to defend herself....at least, that's what Lila was telling herself. The ice shards melted and Bobby fell to the ground, unable to withstand the heat.

"Please, just leave." She almost whispered. Lila was done hurting people. She hoped holeheartedly that she had proven her strength and that these people would now leave her be. That was all she really wanted. Lila turned to walk away, but her keen ears picked up the sound of Tony's repulsor beams firing up. Of course, she didn't know what the sound was, so she turned around to see. She saw it coming at her, almost as time had slowed down. Again, her wings wraped around her slight frame protectively, and the beam ricocheted. The reaction was slow. The beam had bounced off her wings and it the outcrop of rock above Lila. But the beam exploded the cliffside, making large boulders fly off in all different directions. Lila's eyes zeroed in on the only person there who could not protect themselves, or move out of the way of the onslaught of granite and limestone, amongst other things. The only person in a wheelchair. In the chaos of the scattering of the cliffside, Lila could have easily escaped and flown away, far away, to some place where they would never find her and she could at long last live in peace, but she could not bring herself to run when this stranger's life was in immediate danger, as none of his companions seemed to be taking any notice of the fact that they were protecting themselves, but not him. She could not leave him to die. She was not a coward. All too quickly, Lila spied a gargantuine slab of rock headed straight for him. She launched herself at the helpless elderly man, faster than her wings had ever taken her before. But in her haste Lila had failed to notice that she had just, at that very moment, flown under another large boulder, as it was falling. She fell to the ground and cried out in complete agony as the rock crushed her left wing, trapping her. For a moment, everyone turned to see where such an inhuman sound that was somewhere between the srangled cry of an animal and a roar of pain, had eminated from. Their gaze turned to Lila, trapped under the large rock, and followed her gaze to a completely helpess man in a wheelchair, unaware of the certain death that was upon him. Lila sharply breathed in, trying desperately to make her fire hotter than she ever had before, a last ditch effort to save him even though she could not reach him. She spat the fire as hard and fast as she could, it flew toward the falling slab. The second it touched the hunk of rock, it exploded it into millions of peices so small, that all the professor felt was a peculiar dust raining down on him.

Now that Lila knew he was safe, she quickly turned and exploded the rock on her wing, and, painfully folding them onto her back, she turned and ran. "Kurt!" Was the only thing she heard before a puff of whispy blackish-blue smoke engulfed her and and strange feeling fell over her. She open her eyes to feel the wind rushing past her as she fell from the sky. "Kurt" must have been a teleporter, she concluded. Lila's lims flailed uselessly and her wings were unuseable as the ground came rushing toward her. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to die, to be free of the cruel reality of life. Maybe the world would be set right, when she dies. Maybe being rid of her destructive nature would fix the balance between chaos and order and maybe, just maybe, all would  finally be good. Yes, she thought, I accept death. Goodbye Brother.... She was engulfed in a dark, lonely, and endless abyss.


And so concludes my story....JUST KIDDING!!

I'm sorry, that was mean. I just wanted to see what you'd do! (Avenger' Bruce Banner quote O_o ) Please don't stop reading my story, I promise I wont do that again! Yeah so, tell what you think, ideas, helpful suggestions, yadda yadda yadda....

Fly a kite

Start a fight

Buy a flashlight

Hug you just might

Goodbye and farewell from The Doctor's Companion

Monsterous (Avengers/Loki fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя