A Woman's Intuition

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After digging my way through four or five whorehouses I found the men I had seen in Sandrino's office. Ugly looking things who were currently groping on what looked to be underage girls.

I knew I could do anything now but listen and watch from a darkened corner of a two story balcony. Disgustingly enough I had to watch as they fondled and licked whoever was sitting on their lap at the time. I had to listen to their stupid attempts at flirting when all they were doing was making those girls sick. I could tell because they were like me, doing whatever they had to do to get paid and survive.

After two hours, the gorilla pack finally left the whorehouse and made their way down winding streets all the way to--of course-- the Tower. It wasn't necessarily a tower but what people back in the day called a skyscraper, not many of those that big anymore, in fact there were only two.

This was going to be tough for two reasons, there was no doubt security in there who would spot me and second I wasn't a woman so they would definitely spot me.

Deciding that the best course of action would be to do what I did at the Cresmont I went in through the backway.

Big. Mistake.

The backway led into the kitchen which was filled with knife wielding women who immediately saw me and started throwing very sharp objects.


Women with knives, the most dangerous thing in the world.

I had to find another way in, and I might have just found one. I saw a food cart going in and out of the kitchen before I was sheared at. All I had to do was slip past the deadly cooks and make it to the cart, I could hide and ride all the way in.

Breathing and in out I steadied myself before launching into the kitchen again, sliding across the slippery tiled floor and grabbed onto the nearest cart before people could even register what had happened. Pulling myself up and into the sheet covered cart, I breathed a sigh of relief that the waiter wheeling the cart hadn't seen me. So to all those jackasses who loved calling me kitten or alley cat, kiss it!

This cat knew how to sneak in and out without you even knowing I was there.

Riding in the cart I managed to break away and hide behind an unusually large ficus plant. Thankfully those gorillas were hungry after their...'workout', so they were easy to spot in the plaza dining room. And they weren't alone.

A woman in her early forties, dressed in a bright while pantsuit with her dark brown hair pulled tight into a bun was sitting right across from them. Staring at them with disgust as they stuffed their piggy faces with hamburgers and fries.

I had to get closer, from here there was no way I would be able to hear them.

Sliding behind booths and under clothed tables I made it to a curtain covered corner that was right next to them. Perfect, I could hear everything!

"So what does your boss want with me?"

The only gorilla not stuffing his faces at the moment cleared his throat and sat up taller, "We simply need cooperation, we both have a very similar problem and only one of us knows how to solve it. But we can only solve it with your help as well as..."

The woman who I could only guess was Queenie raised a sharp eyebrow at him and crossed his perfectly manicured fingers in front of her.

"You need my daughter as well."

The gorilla nodded, "Yes but believe me, when this is done you and your daughter will never have another reason to war again."

Now she looked intrigued, "And why is that?"

Looking smug didn't seem to suit this guy as his face looked just like a bunched up ham, "Because with my boss's help you and your daughter will have so much territory you won't even need to fight over who gets more."

A small red smile took over her face and for some reason, it wasn't exactly what I would call a beautiful smile, no...no it was eerie.

"And what does V think of this."

"V won't be able to think about anything if he's six feet under. My boss knows that V's time is up, he was a kingpin back when he was young but after what Elias did...he's just not the same."

Woah! So much in just a matter of minutes!

Sandrino wanted to overthrow V, he was going to other gangs to get them to back him, who the hell was Elias!? What did he do to V?! What the hell was going on?!!

"Have you spoken to my daughter yet?"

"No, she's next on our list."

"There's a list? Who is has joined up--or should I say rejected you?"

The second gorilla wiped his mouth and spoke with a mouth full of hamburger, "We spoke to the River Gang, they're discussing it."

"So they haven't agreed and yet you want me to risk my neck and my territory to back your boss, a man who has never done anything for me or for mine."

The second gorilla started to speak up but stopped once Queenie shot him a look, "Oh do shut up, you repulsive hump. I will not risk what I have worked so hard to build with no proof that V can be overthrown, we're done here."

The first guy stood up as soon as she began to walk away and spoke a little louder than I would have guessed he wanted to, "We have proof! Proof that V isn't untouchable, something that we can use to make V fall to his knees."

Queenie turned around just as her secret female bodyguards seemed to come out of nowhere from the crowd of dining people.

"And why should I believe you?"

Gorilla #1 grinned an ugly smile that showed he had almost half his teeth missing, "Because, just imagine what it would be like to not have to look over your shoulder every time you wanted to start a war, if you help us we would not only protect you but when it's all over we would back you against Winter. You would be the sole Queen of the N.Y.D.T."

I could tell just from the gleam in her eyes that she was already imagining it, she bought it--hook, line, and sinker.

Giving one last look at the men at the corner table she flashed a deadly smile back at them, "Fine, if you're able to get my daughter on board and keep her in check, you've got yourself a deal....and another thing. Who the hell told you we need your protection?"

With that she and her bodyguards were gone around the corner and all I could hear was the click-clacking of her heels. The three gorillas finished their food and left the table without saying a word. I had to follow them but there was just one itsy-bitsy problem. I forgot where I left that damn bike!

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