34. The One With the Turkey: Part 1

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FP enters the kitchen with Dagwood slung over one shoulder, the little boy giggling like crazy. "Juni--the tickle monster's gonna get you...." FP says, crouching down on the other side of the counter. 

She giggles and runs away, FP chasing after her. "I'll play with the kids--" he shouts as he rushes out of the room.

I shake my head with a laugh, "That man will do anything to get out of being in the kitchen." 

Polly smiles, "Well, luckily I can pick up the slack." 


Toddler's are a lot of work. I just want to put that out there. They might be tiny, but holy shit can they run away from you. One is a lot of work--but two?! I have a new respect for Polly. 

I finally round up the rugrats and head back into the kitchen to check on Alice.

"How's it going in here?"

She smiles when she sees me, "It's almost ready." 

I wrap my arms around her, "You are incredible, baby," I press a kiss against her lips. 

There's loud rhythmic knocking on the door and that can only be one person. JB goes to the door to open it, Jughead following behind, "Mom!"

"Hey, angel!" Gladys says, scooping up her daughter in her arms. "Hey, dude," she wraps her arms around Jughead next. 

"How was the drive?" I ask her, as she sets down her bags. 

She smiles, "Eh, not too bad." Gladys' gaze turns to Alice. "Wow! Alice you're h--"

"Hot! So hot--isn't she hot," I overemphasize, trying to prevent the possible tear shed that could come if the adjective Gladys was going to use came out. And not that Alice looking hot is incorrect--she most certainly does. She's wearing an emerald green jumpsuit with a very low neckline--I really like that part. However, Alice has been super emotional lately and getting called 'huge' by Gladys would not help that factor.

Gladys catches on and nods, "Uh--yeah! Hot, really hot. I dig the jumpsuit. That's exactly it!"

Alice looks between the two of us, eyebrows knit together. She lets it go, and believe it or not--gives Gladys a hug.

"I thought that baby would be here by now!" Gladys says with a smile.

Alice smiles, rubbing her belly, "Only a few more weeks now. I'm supposed to be on bed rest, but there is no way FP and the kids would be able to make a fabulous dinner like this by themselves." 

Gladys nods, "Yeah, we all know how worthless he is in the kitchen," she jabs me in the ribs after that comment.

"Hey! I am not! You're no better!" I throw back at her.

Alice laughs, "I'm amazed at how you two kept your children alive."

Gladys rolls her eyes, "Whatever! TV dinners man."

We enter back into the kitchen and Gladys pulls out a couple bottles of wine (good wine--at that) and sets them on the counter.

"What's with the expensive wine?" I ask her.

She shrugs, "Uh, nothing? I just, I don't know--wanted to bring you some quality shit."

I cross my arms, staring at her skeptically, "That's just not very Gladys-like."

"What? I can't do something nice without an ulterior motive?"

"No--you really can't," I say bluntly.

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