You're mine (kwitanz)

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(I tried writing this in 3rd person pov but I'm too bad at it so... no🤷‍♀️)
(Also... uh WARNING ⚠️ this includes sensitive topics that I won't name bc that gives away the plot.)

Kwite's pov

I was at school. It was a normal day. Except my crush actually came up to him. My crush was Brandon. We were in a couple of the same classes, but we weren't the closest of friends. "Yo! Uh... what page was the homework for mr. Rabare?" (Made up name) Brandon asked me, sounding a little desperate. It still made me happy and feel appreciated that he asked him. "It's page 325, numbers 1-32." I responded to him with a smile. He smiled at me. Oh god. He smile is heart melting. I stared into his eyes. His beautiful (insert Brandon's eye color here) eyes. I heard him mutter a "thank you!" With a smirk. He ran off before I could say your welcome. Sometimes I wish our conversations would last longer, but just hearing his voice is enough.
I never really realized when I fell for him. I just started to admire every little detail about him. It led to me wanting him for myself. I wish he felt the same, but I don't even know if he's gay or straight! I'm miserable.
I saw him again at lunch. He came by my table and smiled at me. My cheeks felt hot and I was blushing red. He sat down right in front of me while I tried to hide my face. He doesn't usually sit by me. So why now? I got myself to stopped blushing and looked up at him. He stared at me until I looked him straight in the eyes. "Hey! Did I do something? Do you not want me to sit here?" He seemed calm, but I could see slight worry in his eyes. "No no no!" I waved my hands around. "I-I just, um, I had t-taken a bite of the Salsbury stake..." I blurted our the first thing I could think of. "Dude! Those are nasty. You should never eat it. You might get a disease." We both start laughing. For the rest of lunch, we just sat and talked. For a few times, I caught myself staring at him when he was ranting, nodding my head, and pretending to listen. It was great.


It was time for math class. One of my least favorite classes. One, because none of it makes sense. And two, because mr.Rabare is a huge asshole. Brandon was in that class with me, so it wasn't all that bad. I still hated it though. As long as Brandon is there to talk to me and help me when I don't understand, I would go to math class all the time. I love Brandon.
I walked into the classroom, immediately looking for Brandon. I scanned the room until I saw him sitting up the back of the classroom. I quickly traversed my way over, sitting beside Brandon and hitting him lightly on the shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, Brandon!" I whispered with a smile on my face. He turned and gave me a smile back, telling me, "get your book out twink." I laughed and grabbed my book from my bag. I was getting bored listening to the teacher. I had actually started to fall asleep. I was about to be fully asleep until there was a tap on my shoulder. "Kwite! The teacher is calling on you." Brandon called me out. I stood up quickly. "Come to the board and solve this problem Kwite." Mr.Rabare sounded a bit angry. I got up and shuffled my way to the front of the class. He handed me a marker and I stated to do the problem. I started to do it in the middle of the board, since I was too short to reach the top, where the problem was. "No! You need to do it right underneath the problem so we have room for more." The teacher got mad at me. We all knew he wanted to be organized, but it was annoying. "I can't reach up there." I rolled my eyes at him. "Well you're going to have to." I sighed at that. I got on my top toes and tried to reach. I was bobbing up and down, trying to get taller somehow. I faintly heard whispers from behind me but ignored them. Oh... I wish Brandon would come up and help. Just grab the marker, do the problem, then pick me up and gracefully run out of here. As I was daydreaming, still trying to reach the top of the board, the marker was grabbed from my hand. "I'll help you." Brandon smiled at me and started writing the answer to the problem. He seemed a little angry but I ignored it. I couldn't believe my dream came true. I was too busy admiring what Brandon had done for me, I didn't realize my face getting red and hot. I was super flushed. After Brandon had finished he put down the marker with a loins sound, startling everyone. "There. I did the problem myself." He then gestured for me and him to go back to our seats so we turned around and started walking. But before we could sit down, Mr.Rabare started yelling. "Brandon! That was Kwite's problem. I didn't ask you to solve it, did I?"
"No. No, you didn't ask me to solve it." Brandon started back talking the teacher. This was all happening so fast. I was so confused, yet I still was thankful to Brandon. "Then why did you do it?" Rabare hissed at Brandon. "Because he couldn't reach, so I helped. Simple as that!" Brandon shouted. I didn't know why he was shouting, but I still loved it. Just hopefully Rabare won't be an ass to him. "He was fully capable. He was just being a big whiny baby twink, hoping his boyfriend would come and save the day!" I don't know why Mr.Rabare said that, but it obviously hurt Brandon. I was just blushing because he said Brandon was my boyfriend. "You take that fucking back! He's not a baby! And you don't have any right to ever call him a twink! You got that?!" Before anything else happened, Brandon grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of class. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Dude!" I whisper-yelled at Brandon. He dragged me behind some lockers, by the science room. "Okay.. I'm sorry. Didn't mean to hurt you bud." Brandon tried to be calm, but all I could see was this big, angry big standing in front of me. I was worried. "It's okay, really. W-what's wrong? Why did you drag me out?" I stared deeply in his eyes with worry and question. "H-he was... h-he w-was. He was staring at you're butt! He's a pervert! I had to do something. I couldn't be like everyone else and just talk about it behind your back." He blurted our to me. For a second, I was in disbelief. I felt disgusted. "W-what? Explain." I pleaded. "Well... he wanting you to try and reach the top of the board because he knew you couldn't. He knew you would be hopping. He was watching your butt shake. I feel disgusting just thinking about it, let alone talk about it. Especially to you. H-he also h-had a b-b-boner." Brandon could barely mutter the last bit. "No... I knew he seemed creepy. I-I don't want to g-go back. I don't like the thought of him looking at me like that. Oh god. How did I end up is this position?" I felt horrible. I was at the brink of tears. "I know. And I won't let him." Brandon pulled me close to me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed. Then after I stopped crying into his shoulder, I pulled away and stared at the giant wet spot on his shirt from my tears. "Oh. It's okay. I have a hoodie in my locker. I will put it on later." He half smiled at me. "Please t-tell m-me how you are g-going to stop it? What c-could you d-do?" My voice was so shaky. "I will protect you silly. After all, you're mine. And mine only. Got that?" Brandon smiled at me and I completely melted, feeling a thousand different feelings at once. "W-when? W-what? W-w-why? D-do you really like me b-back?" I stuttered more than I ever had. My face was bright read and felt like over 3,900 degrees. "Sssshhhhh" Brandon grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. I put my arms around his neck and kissed back. He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around him. After a minute of the best, and first kiss I had ever had, we pulled away. We both just smiled at eachother. I was blushing of course, but for once, Brandon's face turned a light pink color. He then chuckled, nuzzling noses with me then putting me down. "Come on. Let's go home." He smirked down at me. "What about our other classes?" I asked, being the clean record kid I was. Brandon just laughed, pushing me slightly forward. "Come one lets go, twink." He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked together to my house. I had laid my head on his shoulder to be more comfortable. Then we reached my house. He smiled and stared at eachother. "Well, uh, b-" I was cut of by Brandon kissing me quickly on the lips. "Bye! Twink." He smiled as I walked in and shut the door behind me.

A bit of an epilogue

Brandon and Kwite's friend, Niall, recorded the whole thing and reported it to the principal. Mr.Rabare got fired and arrested for 10 years.

That was... okay. I don't really
Like it but I hope you do! :D
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