I chuckled nervously realising that I had to stop dazing off, especially when driving a car. "I'm fine, Laur." I admitted truthfully, brushing my hand across her arm. "I'm just thinking, you know?"

She smiled and ran her fingers gently along my cheekbone. "I know you are."

The red light changed to a green one and carefully I released the handbrake and set off again down the road. I tapped my hand lightly on the steering wheel as I drove and began to wonder if I should ask Laura how she felt about the twins and her pregnancy in general. We hadn't really spoke since we'd left the doctors office and honestly, I think we needed to. After all, although I was over the moon about becoming a father to twins, it still wasn't apart of our original plan so it needed to be discussed.

I cleared my throat and glanced awkwardly over at Laura who appeared to be looking through her medical papers and the ultrasounds of the twins that Doctor Phillips had handed over to us before we left. "So... twins huh?" I began nervously to which Laura raised her eyebrow and stared back at me. "Are you excited about --"

Laura quickly cut me off, a frown forming across her lips. "Ross of course I'm excited!" She chuckled. "This was never apart of our agenda but honestly... what has been in our lives? We just take everyday as it comes, right?"

I nodded happily at her. At least she wasn't upset or angry that we were pregnant with twins. That's the last thing that I would have wanted. Her emotions and decisions were the most important to me, especially during her pregnancies because that's when she became the most vulnerable. I had to make sure I was protecting her at all costs.

I picked up her hand carefully in my own, still keeping my other on the steering wheel and kissed her lovingly. "I love you so much, okay? We'll get through this just like we always do. We're a team you and I." I gestured to the both of us which made her smirk. "There's nothing this world could throw at us that we can't handle or get through."

She giggled and nodded, running her hands through my hair as we stopped at yet another red light. "You're right." She sighed happily. "You're always right."

"Us Lynches are never wrong." I teased, winking at her. "Which includes you now too."

Laura giggled and twirled a strand of her hair behind her ear. She still had the same cute little laugh that she'd always had since we were teenagers. It was one of the many qualities I adored about her. I knew that no matter how much Laura changed, aged or grew as the years go by she'll always have those big beautiful brown eyes that I love staring into so much, that same heartwarming smile and those same fragile arms that wrap around my body late into the night as we stare off at the stars.

"When do you think we should tell the family?" Laura asked suddenly from beside me, popping a piece of candy into her mouth from her pocket.

I glanced at her and then back at the road. "Hmm." I murmured to myself.

I began to wonder when the most appropriate time to share our news would be. As much as I'd hate to share the news with my deadbeat father I knew deep down that I'd have to at some point or another, after all, he was a grandfather; deadbeat or not nothing would change the relationship that he shared with my kids.

"Should we throw a little house party to get everyone together?" I offered.

Laura grinned and nodded her head up and down eagerly at me. "Yes!" She exclaimed with a sigh of happiness. "It would be so good to have everyone in one place together again, it's been so long."

"Too long." I agreed pulling slowly into our driveway. "Come on then beautiful, let's get you inside."

I helped Laura out of the car and slipped her handbag over my shoulder before locking our car and guiding her carefully towards our front door. "I'll send some texts out and plan a little party then for when everyone is free, how does that sound?"

"That sounds perfect." She leant into me and placed a kiss on my cheek. "You're the best husband ever, you know that right?"

I inhaled her sweet scent of candy and roses, smirking and shrugging at her. "You know the saying... behind every great man is an even greater woman. If I'm the best then it's all thanks to you beautiful."

She laughed and shook her head in amusement at me. "You're too cute."

I gave her handbag to her and she gestured to the staircase, her ultrasounds and important doctor notes still in the palm of her left hand. "Do you mind if I hit the hay for a little while? I'm kind of in a state of shock after the news we just had."

I shook my head and smiled happily at her. "Go ahead baby. Let me know if you need anything, okay? I'll gallop upstairs on my horse and cater to your every need, even if a wicked witch or troll need slaying I'll do it."

Laura burst out into laughter and rolled her eyes teasingly in my direction. "I love you so much."

"And I love you so much." I replied, pressing my lips gently to her forehead.

I knelt down and placed my hands on either side of Laura's barely visible stomach. "Now listen up troublemakers. Let your mother sleep or else I'm going to have a bone to pick with you."

Laura sniggered and I chuckled. "I'm just kidding. I love you two so much already. We can't wait to meet you."

Before standing back up I pressed my lips carefully onto her stomach before standing back up and locking my lips lovingly with hers. I ran my fingers slowly through her long waves of brunette hair and smiled at her. "Go and get some rest beautiful. I'll take care of everything."

She smiled gratefully at me and headed up the stairs with her handbag and leaflets in hand. "Don't forget that Bella is over at Natasha's again tonight for a sleepover okay? Don't expect her to come home."

I raised my eyebrows. "A sleepover on a school night? Laur she spends way too much time at --"

Before I could finish my sentence Laura had closed our bedroom door with a gentle click and I was left downstairs with a pile of dirty dishes to clean, floorboards to polish and dinner to make.

"Dinner for three then I guess." I murmured to myself, turning on my heel into the kitchen.



update: this chapter wasn't posted properly, so sorry! i had some issues with Wattpad.

hey you guys! i'm sorry this chapter is so short but i realised that i haven't posted in a week and i really wanted to get something up for you all.

all my love,

b x

Letters to Isabellaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن