35. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of competition

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"Mmmh." Surly, Domen pulled his sports shoes out of his pocket, slammed them on the floor. Vito had told him so many times before, but they both knew that wasn't true. There were many who secretly thought like Mikail. Who suddenly wanted to be friends with him, because they had hoped for any benefits. Or just wanted to get to know his brother. Except for Vito, Jaro and Milan.

"So, what's going on tonight?", The lanky redhead next to him changed the subject while they began to change their clothes.

"Nothing I know," Domen replied, trying to block out Mikail's voice, announcing what a victim he was. "Skating again?" Suggested Domen, who really missed standing on the board. After that he would feel better.

"I know something better. Party. At Milan's house, "Vito announced with anticipation. "With the girls. Maja is there too, "he thrust Domen excitedly into the side, whose mood abruptly sank. He hated listening to his buddies' rave about Maja. She was a cocked-up bitch that wasn't interested in anyone but her fingernails. He couldn't understand the interest in her and the other girls and had no desire to let a shitty day even more get shitty.

"Shit! Today you say? "Domen hit his forehead as if he had forgotten something important. "Urgh ... I have to take care of Nika and Ema. My parents are on this stupid er ... furniture fair today. "

"Again?! Honestly, Dude, at some point you'll end up as a Supernanny instead of a ski jumper, "Vito said, shaking his head before jumping to his feet and leaving Domen alone on the bench. Paradoxically, Domen tought that an evening with Ema and Nika was much better than watching an evening full of strange courtship behavior. "Well, your loss. Because tonight is going to get great! ", Vito shouted grinning over his shoulders and wiggled his eyebrows meaningfully.

Silently, Domen stared at the white door in front of him. He was completely isolated from the outside world. The little room gave him a certain security. The opportunity to think, because he couldn't push it back this time.

Peter thought he was somehow sick. His mind would resist the path he had taken. Like a virus. He had sounded genuinely concerned, though he had given him another shot with every word. Daniel thought he was just a bit insecure and overwhelmed. Because everything was new. As if only a little time had to pass until he could accept it. Cene saw no problems at all. And he? He had no idea. Floated disorientated in the air because everything started to crumble. How sand melted away in his hands.

Domen racked his brain. Took everything apart. Tried to somehow sort themselves again. To get a clear picture of himself. He rummaged in his memories, which he took apart and tried to classify. For example, he had never noticed how much time he had actually spent with his sisters. He had played with them. On the playground. At home. How many times he had cooked earthworm groats in the doll's kitchen. Or snail slime jam. How much fun he had had, when he read fairy tales to them. Red Riding deliscious morsel in the land of plenty. He always had a flourishing imagination.

Peter and Cene had done that never. None of the guys had done that. Milan always had let run a Disney movie and had gone himself into safety. It never had bothered him. Domen had never thought it strange. And now? Now it almost chokes him.

He had never considered himself a coward either. Never for weak. He had fought Mikail countless times. And even if the thing with Daniel had thrown him off track. He had somehow got it under control. It had been like a distant storm. Only subliminal thunder. Every now and then a small flash. But that he had kept the control. Until now.

Worn out, he stared up over the thin walls of the cabin. To the ceiling, where a glaring neon lamp hung. It left not a milimeter in the dark. Only the walls of the small cabin he was in were a bit outside. A bit shady. Protected him from unpleasant looks. Encounters. There was only him. And the silence.

Hello Hurricane {English Translation}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя