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Those two days felt like two years. Time seemed to be going slow just to hurt me. The fact that it was the weekend and I was stuck at home made it awful.

I wanted to wait up by my window for Dallas but sleep always became harder for me to resist as the night dragged on. It wasn't till Monday morning, after breakfast, that I realized the weekend was over and Dallas never came.

I brush my teeth then my hair and go into my room, closing the door behind me. I kneel down and finally open the paper I kept tucked between my mattress and bed frame.

I open it to see the address of the old, abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain. I trace my finger over Dally's handwriting before tucking the paperback where it was.

I get dressed then rush downstairs to the kitchen. "Momma, can you make me two sandwiches for lunch today?" She looks up from the sandwich she was making.

"Two sandwiches. Is there any reason why you want an extra one today?" I force the fakest chuckle I've ever heard."Of course not momma, I just wanna have enough to fill me after all the studying I've been doing."


"I meant want to! Sorry I don't why I said that." She looks at me for a bit then continues making the sandwich. "Ok, make sure Claire's up and ready to go."

"Ok, Claire you better be up!" I yelled as loud as I could.

I hear a crash and a few seconds later see Claire at the top of the staircase in her pajamas. "Why can't you just wake me like a normal person?"

I smile and my mother scolds me for yelling. Once Claire's finished getting dressed we grab our lunches and walk outside. "So there's something really important I need to tell you."

"I'm gonna be an aunt!"

"Claire no! It's something else and you have to swear secrecy."

"Momma doesn't allow us to swear."

"I'm sure she doesn't want us to hide empty candy wrappers under our bed either." She thinks for a minute. "Fine, I swear secrecy now what is it?"

I tell Claire everything leaving out some risqué details of course. "We have to help them then since Dallas hasn't come back!"

"That's why I'm skipping, to make sure everything is ok and you'll cover for me." She looks at me as if I asked for her to shave her head. "You're joking, right? There's no way I'm not going with you."

"Claire please I don't have time for this. I need to get there as fast as I can to figure out what's going on."

"I'm going with you and I won't be persuaded by anything, not even my only love, food." I want to shout but I just grab her hand and we start walking. I remembered hearing about a way to sneak onto a freight that'll take you to several stops including Windrixville.

We ran to the tracks then hid behind some nearby weeds as the train slowed down. My chest felt like it was going to come out of my chest and my stomach had knots that made me wanna puke.

I felt the pressure when I realized I would never be doing something like this if not for Dallas. I groan acknowledging at this moment that I'm truly only here because Dallas said so.

I start to feel ignorant for throwing caution to the wind just to make him happy. I almost start dragging Claire back to the direction of school when I think of the boys.

Ponyboy and Johnny must be terrified out there alone. I decided we wouldn't abandon them and jumped onto an open boxcar when the train stopped. Claire jumped on and we both hid behind some wooden crates until the train began to move again.

The time seemed to drag on until the train finally stopped and we hurried off of it. We walked for a while till Claire pointed out the abandoned church that gave me goosebumps.

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