Who Are You Now? (Version 2.)

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“Rowan! You're driving on the wrong side of the road!" Hannah screamed, holding onto the seat belt her palms red and blistered.

“I am not.” Rowan scoffed, ignoring the numerous honks from the car they were speeding towards, head on.

“We’re in America, they don’t drive on the left side of the road!” Hannah muffled, her hands now covering her eyes.

“I know that.” Rowan rolled her eyes, swerving onto the right side of the road literally, avoiding the car which sped past.

“We’re going to be late!” Hannah sobbed.

“We’re all going to die!” Rowan cackled, her head turning towards Hannah.

"Eyes on the road!" Hannah snapped.

“You do have the concert tickets right?” Rowan questioned, her green eyes flickering back and forth from the road to Hannah.

Hannah smiled reaching into her trouser pockets, but having fished out nothing other than jean fluff, she laughed looking back at Rowan. Her waxy hands fumbled into her coat pockets, but other than more fluff, the tickets were nowhere to be found. Rowan side glanced over to Hannah, one hand on the wheel the other hand also searching, the accelerator weighed down under her trainer. The two of them jerked to one side then the other.

"Why are you searching?" Hannah questioned, her hands continuing to dive in and out of pockets.

"I don't know?" Rowan shrugged, both of her hands now gripping onto the steering wheel.

Hannah reached into the breast pocket of her checkered shirt, triumphant she held the tickets up with both hands, an ear-to-ear smile upon her face. That is until she jerked forward once more, heaving deep breaths she scowled, her brown eyes narrowing towards the driver. Rowan also jerked forward braking all of a sudden, she laughed looking back towards Hannah, whose hands clung onto the seatbelt once more. One hand letting go of the seatbelt, Hannah retrieved the tickets from the floor.

"Are you trying to kill me?" She questioned, sitting back in her seat.

Rowan's face lit up with a smile, "Maybe, but I am trying to get us to the concert on time."  

"I hope you aren't planning on killing us, since we really are late." Hannah mumbled, looking towards the digital clock.

The cadillac's engine revved in anticipation of a green light, the brakes screeched forward, the green light leading vehicle to lunge forward and down the road.

Who Are You Now? (Version 2.) [ON HOLD.]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ