First Day

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"Oh hello there!" a woman enthusiastically greeted small little Swagger at her door

Swagger looked up to her as she took his backpack.

"Hey-" she looked down at her notes, "Swagger? I hear you liked that name better than-"

"MISS BEEEE!! Matt took my pink crayon again!" a boy with pink shoes and glasses yelled across the room.

"Matt can you give Toby his things back? I'm a little busy right now!" she turned back to her new student, "You can play with the other kids for right now. Make some friends?"

Swagger shook his head and walked to the center of the class. Others saw him and started whispering to each other.

Someone went to investigate, "Are you a new kid?"

He looked up and realized the teacher had left him, "Yeah."

"Oh. Come draw with us then," he grabbed his hand and lead him to the table, "What's your name?"

"Swagger. What's your guys' name's?"

"Swagger? You have a cool name! My name is Matt, I am the coolest and most smartest one in-"

"No you aren't Matt," a tall boy with blond hair interrupted his monolog, "My name is Cam, and I am the coolest and smartest in this class"

"My name is Toby and I like pink." Toby introduced himself without even looking up from his drawing, which he was very concentrated on doing.

Cam handed Swagger a piece of paper, "Yeah Toby... we can tell."

He started drawing a castle. He had developed a facination for knights and kings and queens. He wish he was part of a kingdom.
As he was lost in his imagination, another woman walked into the classroom.
To Swagger, she was the most pretty girl he's seen.

She looked flustered as she rushed to put her things away.
He overheard a few words spoken between her and the teacher, then she walked towards him.

She kneeled and caught his attention, "I love your drawing, it's a castle right?"
he smiled and nodded his head.

"Well I am Miss Bee. Or Bee for short, I am also the teacher for you guys," she then pointed to the first teacher, "that is Miss Bordie. Bordie for short as well."

Toby interjected, "I like Miss Bordie" he started staring at her from across the room, "she's pretty..."

"You're pretty too!" Swagger wanted to compliment Miss Bee as well.

"Thank you Swagger! You are quite the handsome man yourself!" she ruffled his hair and stood up. Swagger was overjoyed. He likes pretty girls.

Then Miss Bee walked to the front of the class, "Good morning everyone! Let's get on our squares!"
Kids rushed to the color-coded rug and sat down, all looking at the new face.

"This is Swagger. He is new to the class- tell us something about yourself" an imaginary mic was held up for him.

"I like knights. And kings... and stuff." he calmly stated. Looking to Cam and his coloring friends for a reaction.

"That is so epic!" Cam applauded along, always happy for new friends.

"So if you are the knight, who is your princess?" Bee asked, looking around the classroom, then realized there were no girls.

Swagger smiled and turned to Bee, "You!"

"Me? You're so sweet!"

"I am the king!" Toby stood up and announced very loudly, "All of you are my servants"

Bordie cut into the ongoing debate, "Who am I then?"

The class began thinking of ideas amongst themselves. Swagger smiled to himself, thinking this was his kingdom now. And he has to protect his princess.

"You're my queen!" Toby happily answered, but the class seemed indifferent.

John, who had been quiet, pointed this out, "You only said that because you like her..."

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Boys boys! We aren't going to argue about this... Let's just all calm down and go to the coloring table..."

so this is like a intro first chapter thing. is bad pls forgib.

Swagger and Miss Bee Sitting in a TreeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt