The Delivery

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By the time the pizza was due to arrive, Tiger and Gren had smoked multiple full joints of marijuana. Their eyes were bright red and their whole bodies felt excessively relaxed, to the point where their movement coordination was slightly off from its usual sober state - but these effects were even worse for Tiger, since she had smoked a couple more joints than Gren had.

"My Lord, we should probably stop this here," said Tiger. "We're both getting pretty damn high and I don't think we want the pizza guy to see us any higher than we are right now."

"How do you know it's gonna be a guy?" asked Gren. "Women can deliver pizza too. Don't assume everyone's genders all the time!"

"That's not the fucking point, you dumbass," yelled Tiger.

"I know I'm dumb," shouted Gren, "but women deserve just as much respect as men!"

"Oh my good God, I wasn't fucking saying that women can't deliver pizza... I just said it would be a good idea to put away the joints."

"...Oh, okay."

Just then, the pizza delivery man knocked on the door... and Tiger still hadn't put away her joints.

"OH FUCK- Okay give me a minute, I need to put these away," said Tiger. "Gren, do not open that door until I come back ou-"

"Hi, how are you?" said Gren to the delivery man.

"I'm good thanks, yourself?"

"I'm doing pretty good. How much will this order be?"

"It'll be twenty dollars."

"Okay, let me grab my wallet."

Gren hurried into the room to grab her wallet, leaving Tiger's presence visible to the delivery man - and she was still holding the container of joints.

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