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A/N- I am slowly getting back to writing so updates may be few and far between. If that frustrates you which is understandable, I would advise against starting this one just yet. I'm hoping this book will be the jump start I need to finish my other works. Thank you all for being amazingly supportive fans and for sticking with me through my absences:) this will probably be a cliche story since those are my favorite to write so once again if that's not for you I totally understand if you pass my story by.

The doors of the Honolulu Airport Arrivals area close with a silent whoosh and the sounds of car doors shutting, family members greeting one another, and vehicles driving past surround Ana as she exits. Pulling her roll away luggage behind her, she makes her way to an empty bench to await her ride. A pair of tourists with maps in hand walk by looking completely lost. The nice thing for Ana to do would be to offer some help, she did grow up here after all. Unfortunately, she has too much on her mind right now to offer them any. The way her body is wracked with nerves has her thinking she's the one who needs help.

"Shake it off, Ana," she tells herself. 

She'll only be here for a month, two at the most. Just long enough to be there for her sister, Alia. A heavy blanket of sadness covers her then. She can't begin to imagine what her sister is going through. Eight and a half months pregnant and about to bury the love of her life. 


He was such an amazing guy. One of her closest friends growing up. Ana loved him to death, a feeling that grew immensely once he and her sister started dating. Dayton made Alia so very happy and loved her with his whole self. How could she not love this man for that? 

The world would now be a much smaller place without him in it. 

She feels moisture on her cheeks not realizing she'd been crying.

She chuckles without humor. This is exactly what she was doing the last time she was at this airport, the reason for those tears were just as painful but for a completely different reason and person. Someone she told herself she wouldn't give a second thought to while she was here. Of course that would be a difficult task considering everywhere she looked held a memory of him.

"Enough!" She scolds herself. Rummaging through her carry on she finds some tissue and wipes away the tears. Alia will be here soon since Ana had sent her a text once she landed. She didn't want her sister to see her crying. Ana was here to be her rock and she was determined to do just that.

Regaining her composure she turns her attention to her left and watches the cars headed her way wondering if one holds her sister. About five minutes later a familiar truck pulls up along the curb in front of the bench she's seated on and her heart almost stops. She stares at the familiar sign on the passenger door, Grant & Sons Landscaping. She has to remind herself to breathe as the driver turns off the engine and gets out. How many times, happier times, had she ridden shotgun in this very truck? Footsteps round the front, the deep echo they make tell her they belong to someone quite bigger than her sisters tiny four foot nine inch frame, no matter how pregnant she is.

Ana tells herself to look up and face her driver, but her head refuses to obey and soon she's staring at a pair of well worn work boots. Her breath that she had just caught, freezes in her lungs again as she waits with equal amounts of fear and excitement for him to speak. 

"Hello there fire crotch."

Ana's head shoots up with a snap and a huge smile spreads across her face. Though the voice is a familiar one, it isn't the one she originally thought it would be and the relief she feels has her jumping up and into the arms of one of her very favorite people. "Numb nuts!"

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