Paper airplanes

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   (C/W Bullying)

A few months had passed since Dipper had developed a crush on the Cipher twins. It was his last day of 3rd grade,and he knew that Bill and Will would be heading off to Middle school, leaving him behind.  "Dipper pines, please report to the main office." The speakers around the school called. Sighing, Dipper did as he was told. The principle was waiting for him there.

   "Dipper, have a seat." The princiole told him. He did as told. "Dipper, you may only be seven, but you clearly have the mental age of a 10 year old, and you're smarter than anyone on the class." The principle began. "So we're moving you up to the middle school." Dipper's face lit up, hearing he would be with Bill and Will.

   "That's great!" Dipper said with a smile.

   "Alright, I've already talked to your parents about it. School id over, so you can go get on the bus." He told the brunette. Dipper nodded and headed outside, only to be greeted by Bill and Will.

   "Guys, I have good news. I'm going to be attending the middle school, so we won't be apart!" He exclaimed.

   "That's wonderful." Will said with a smile. Their bus soon pulled up and the three of them got on. Dipper sat in the front with Bill and Will behind him. The bus ride was peaceful until a paper airplane go thrown a him. He unfolded it and it said 'Go die, loser. Nobody likes you. - Pacifica, Gideon, Robbie' Dipper began to cry, and Bill saw the note. He was filled with rage and stormed over to the trio.

   "OH YOU THINK THAT'S FUNNY DO YOU?!" Bill yelled, cutting off their oxygen. The three of them tried desperately to breathe, but couldn't.

   "What's going on?!" The bus driver asked.

   "Oh nothing~" Bill said, letting them breathe, and going back o his seat.

   "Thanks, Bill..." Dipper said.

   "No problem." He answered.

   "Don't believe anything they say, okay?" Will said. Dipper nodded.


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