Chapter 2: The Never-ending Nightmare

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I ran as fast as I could, still hearing the saw's loud whirring that seemed to grow louder and louder each step I took.

"FEED ME! FEED ME!" Yelled the psycho with the saw.

[Authors Note: I actually know who he is btw. I just wanted myself as a character to have a trait of no knowledge of the Asylum.]

I found a crack i could squeeze between as I was running.  But by the looks of myself I had to kinda do a bodyslam and hope that I could slide on through and by the grace of God I did.

"YOU WERE MINE!!" Yelled the psycho with the saw.

I took a minute and sat down on the floor covered in books. Right beside me I read a small blue file labeled with the name Frank Manera.

Mount Massive CO 
Case Number: 209 
Consultation Dated: 2012.08.29 
Initial Date of Patient Counsult: 2010.11.01 
Patient Age: 36 
Gender: Male 
Observing Physician: Dr. Carl Houston(DBNR)

Minimal Morphogenic Engine activity, and only at extreme (stages 5 and 6) levels of hormone therapy. Dream states return repeatedly to images of isolation and betrayal. Zero lucid state.


Heavy bronchial accumulation consistent with patient with histories of tobacco and marijuana. Exceptionally low REM activity.

At the time of this interview, Frank was down to 155 pounds, (from his admission weight of 228.) He was lethargic and largely non-responsive, exhibiting interest only in the hypotherapy script pattern 9 (Wernicke), concerning drinking blood from the chest of sleeping men. He continues to refuse bathes or the attention of a barber outside of general anesthesia, stating, "if I cannot partake, I cannot share."

Recommend forced nutrition for Mr. Manera if we cannot find something he likes to eat.

Mount Massive CO"


"This must've been him. The saw psycho. And this Morphogenic Engine must be connected to whatever these unholy experiments are." I said to myself.

When I began to catch my breath once more, I began to regain balance and keep walking and searching around for another way out knowing that I was far away from where i wanted to be.

"Guess I'll try third floor then." I said to myself.

Walking around even more I began to  hear the loud buzzing of Frank's saw. Damnit,  this man doesn't like to give up does he? Anyway, I decided to press on and just be careful where I step. Looking at around for some more stairs I could find none of the above.  It was then very clear that I had to find another way and that this was a dead end.

    As  I moved forward the only unlocked door to be found was the library. And as  I opened the door to the library and the smell of decomposition was so great I vomited even more contents of my stomach. The library was piled with bodies as far as the eye could see through this camera. I took a rest on the wall for a minute as there was a painful throbbing sensation pulsating through my head. And believe me, this was the last place I wanted to take a minute at.

        Feeling somewhat ok to keep moving I looked through each of the rooms in the second hallway and at least one had an open window.         And of course, right up to where I was about to go there, big fucker sees me and comes charging at me. I ran for my life once more and frantically made my way out the window only left to conquer this wet slippery ledge as it was pouring like crazy outside.

     As I did my best trying not to fall my nervousness and anxiety got the best of me an causing me to shake I fell into a deep pool of old dirty water in a fountain and blacked out...

    What felt like an eternity,  I had finally awakened. But what felt to be different. I didn't have my camcorder and map. Whoever found me must've taken them away. Still cold and wet, I curled up into the tons of wool blankets provided and laid there and softly began to tear and sniffle.

    There had to be some way out of this damn nightmare. This is what happens when your parents trust people through these systems. Instead of a background check they throw you away with every chance they could get. As I lied awake in bed I saw a small note on the nightstand beside me reading:

"We will meet soon darling ~xoxo, Eddie"

      Perhaps this was the secret disturbed admirer I had back in the lobby. Despite the bloody note he wrote me, maybe he was put here to save me instead of killing me like the others.

      Within that being said, the door to the cell I was in creaked open and a gentle light had  illuminated  a good portion of the cell. I opened my door and no one seemed to be there which had felt odd. But I walked out anyway. It was quite dark but I looked around some more and found a trail of candles and a note on the wall saying to follow them. So I did as accordingly and heard a tender voice in the dark singing:

     "When I was a boy, my mother often said to me, get married son and see how happy you will be. I looked all over, but no girlie could I find, who happens to be just like the little girl I have in mind."

    It was 10-15 minutes that had passed till I found the ending of the trail inside a room that looked as if a wedding was to take place. And the tender sweet voice I heard was the man I saw in the lobby standing at the alter.  I froze in fear looking at him. Even though he rescued me, how do I know he won't try to cut me into pieces or rip me apart? But something about him said different. Like maybe there was a reason he was standing at the alter. I hardly knew him, but is he going to ask me to be his bride?


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