Chapter 2: Meet the Jacksons

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Hellllo there. How are you? Ya doing good? Can I get you anything maybe a snack? You sure? Okay. Chapter two lets get this shiz goingggg luv youu:) -A


Sierra's Pov

I walked through the doors and heard mumbled curing coming from the kitchen. I peek around the corner just in time to watch my mother pull a baking sheet with ginger bread men that resembled lumps of coal more than they did cookies

I smirked as I heard my mom curse under her breathe "Damn it"

"Keeping things classy I see" i couldn't help but laugh.

She whipped her head around at the sound of my laugh, obviously startled at my sudden presence in the kitchen

"Sierra Jackson", she said her voice shaking, "Don't sneak up on me like that you frightened me half to death!"

"Sorry mom" I smirked as I grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter and took a bite, "I'll try harder next time not to scare the shit out of you while your baking."

She opened her mouth in shock "Sierra there is no cussing in this house."

"Really now" I said while raising my eyebrows and glancing at the sheet of cookies on the counter, making it apparent I had just heard her little slip up. I knew she didn't really mind me cursing but the pack would lose their shit if they caught their oh-so-proper Luna was cussing.

She crossed her arms and sighed with a hint of a smile starting in the corners of her mouth.

"Well did you get the decorations?" she said giving me a small laugh

"Yep" I stated "Enough freaking tinsel and ribbon to decorate every tree in the world." I said dropping the numerous bags of decor on the counter.

She gave me another small laugh as she turned her back on me to tend to the cookies that were in need of help.

I smiled as I watched her examine the cookies, a puzzled look on her face as she tried to find any cookies that survived.

In many ways my mom was an exact replica of me except older, I had inherited about 99% of my features from her. I had her silky, curled-at-end midnight black hair that I grew down to my waist. I had a sort of younger face that always made people think I was a bit younger than I was, with my pale skin, full lips, long eyelashes and a teeny bit of freckles across the bridge of my nose. I clearly had also gotten her short, petite stature. I was probably the smallest luna in the history of the pack at 5'1 and I could barely tip the scale at 90 pounds. But the one thing that still puzzles me about my looks is my grey eyes that are practically silver. I'm assuming someone on my dad's side must have contributed this feature to me.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of two beautiful voices. As If on cue my two lovely sisters ran into the room giggling and ran right up to me excitement beaming on their faces. Kimberly and Kassidy were 15, the identical twins of the family and my best friends in the whole world. The three of us where the only teenagers in the whole evergreen pack.

We all had our long hair and long eyelashes but that was where our similarities end. They both resulted in being polar opposites of me. They both had long, stick straight blonde hair and tanned skin with their sparkling hazel eyes. They were much taller than me both of them towering over me at six foot. Their faces were much more angled and mature than mine. You could easily mistake them for being adults. While I was a carbon copy of my mother they were replicas of my father.

They both shoved the beautiful golden strapless dresses in my face and begged me for my opinion.

"Do you think it's too causal for tonight?" Kassidy squealed.

"Ughhhh. I have no shoes to wear with them. Could I borrow your sparkly high heels pleaaaasee?" Kimberly begged.

I laughed at them even their personalities were complete opposites of mine. They loved stunning dresses, jewelry, high heels, purses, and anything designer brand. While I on the other hand was a fan of skinny jeans, leggings, hoodies, sweaters and converse. I did like skirts and the occasional pair of heels. But my sisters were no comparisson, every day was just another walk on the runway.

"Why are you guys asking me" I said "y'all are the ones who know how to handle this stuff not me!" I laughed.

"Not true!" the both said completely in sync with each other.

"You always pick the cutest oufits for us!" kassidy stated while Kimberly nodded her head agreeing her sister's statement.

"Okay fine" I sighed while I felt the corners of my mouth twitch into a smile, "I do love these dresses but you guys should probably wear your evening gowns, go up stairs, change and I'll be up there in a bit to help with your hair and make up"

I didn't want to tell them to change but I knew the pack elders would never approve of them wearing strapless dresses. They were were wayyyy to strict on "being properly dressed"

A few minutes later my dad walked through the door dressed up as Santa Claus. I burst out in laughter.

"What the hell" I said in between laughs

"It's for the kids in the pack." he stated very proudly, "the mall didn't have a Santa display this year so I might as well fill in."

"See this is why your the best alpha in the world." my mom said as she joined in on our group hug.

And he really was the best alpha and not to mention the best dad as well

As I thought this I heard the twins shout out that they were ready for me. As I walked up the stairs and looked down at my parents below me I smiled realizing how much I really loved my dis-functional family.


Hey y'all sorry I know that wasn't the most exciting chapter😴 but I promise things are about to get action-y I love y'all thanks for reading! please vote comment and all that jazz love you😊


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