Ramona's slaves and Prisoners

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"Where's Raven and let Little Leo go you monster," said Little Carly.

Then Ramona yelled, "You want to see Raven! You loud mouth brat! Fine! Guards! Take this loud mouth here to the Dungeon,"

"No!" said Little Kelly as the guards dragged Little Carly away.

"You want to join them, pink head?"

"No, and what do you want?" snapped Little Kelly at Ramona.

"Simple really, all I want is revenge, revenge on you, your sister, and your friends for kicking me out of the castle and banishing me from the Magical Kingdom, and now you will all pay except your father, of course, I still love him.

"Seriously your creepy crush on my dad needs to stop, Ramona," said Little Kelly.

"Silence, Little Kelly!" shouted Ramona. "You have a choice. Be my slave like your little friend here, or Raven and Little Carly die."

"Why would you leave me and little Leo out? Surely, you would want at least me dead too," said Little Kelly, confused and frustrated.

"Because I need someone to ransom if I am to be the queen again," said Ramona.

"You win this time Ramona," said Little Kelly, clearly frustrated.

(Minecraft) (Little Kelly) (The Royal Family) Ramona's WarМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя