Chapter 7

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"Midoriya" Todoroki chokes out

The boy in front of them laughs and presses an ice cold blade to his cheek and presses it harder until he drew blood. He laughs and licks the blood from the knife. He starts to activate his quirk and before anyone knew it they were blindfolded and were being dragged some where

Saut du temps(Time Skip in French because I am taking French in school)

"Hey, I brought you an amazing present" Midoriya chuckles

"You brought me the best gift in the world" Shigaraki smirks under the hand plastered on his face.

Midoriya looks down at his old classmates 'Did I screw this up? Shouldn't they be freaking out?

Unbeknownst to the villains the UA students were freaking out, but the internal kind. Midoriya looks over at Toga then back at Shigaraki "Shigaraki, can Toga and I have a little fun?"

"How can I say no, but don't bang the up to bad or your both in very deep trouble." Shigaraki turns to Dabi "go assist them"

When they had finally undone the students blindfolds they could see the panic in their eyes. Midoriya lets out an amused laugh "wow, scared of death?" Toga laughs

"Why Midoriya~Kun? Why?" Uraraka says tears going down her cheeks

Midoriya discreetly grabs a knife from his pocket and walks up to Uraraka. He looks her dead in the eyes "Uraraka" he says in a calm and upset voice.

Toga and Dabi are right behind him with confused looks. Before they could speak Midoriya had quickly cut a L.O.V in to Uraraka's cheek.

My Love(Dabi x Izuku)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz