«chapter nineteen»

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chapter nineteen

"Really?" Liam whispered. His eyes were focused completely on Niall, ranging from his face to his protective hands over his stomach. "You aren't kidding me, right?"

"Why would I joke about something like this?" Niall asked slowly. He wasn't quite sure why Liam believed that he would ever lie about something like being pregnant, but at this moment, he didn't exactly question him. Niall was just as shocked as he was.

"I don't know," Liam shrugged. "But oh my god, I'm going to be a daddy. We're going to be daddies!" Liam laughed wholeheartedly and picked Niall up, spinning him in circles until they were both dizzy. "How many?"

"Five," Niall answered with a small grin. "An adverage litter, according to Shelly. We've even got a little runt. I have pictures!" He eagerly pulled the pictures out of his back pocket. They were a bit crinkled, considering he had forgotten they were in there, but they weren't unreadable. Niall pointed out the little masses just as Nurse Shelly had. The smile on Liam's face made Niall want to take a picture of this moment and keep it forever.

"Everything just keeps getting better and better,'' Liam whispered to himself. He had a wonderful mate, and now he had pups on the way. His own pups. Liam had always been convinced that he would never have biological kids, Which was fine by him. Males who could give birth were about as rare as white peacocks these days. But his mate could. It was amazing.

"Thank you," Niall said so quietly that Liam wasn't even sure he heard it properly. But then Niall said it once again, much louder, and he was confused as to what he had to thank him for.

"What are you thanking me for, baba? You're giving us pups. I should be the one thanking you," Liam said in a confused tone. "I don't think I'm in order for a thanking here."

"Liam, do you know anything about biology?" Niall gave him a look. Liam shook his head slowly. "Do you know enough about biology to know exactly how babies are made?" This time, Liam nodded. "Good. Now, do you realize that you're actually the one that did this to me? Not that I'm unhappy about it, but you are in order for a thanking."

Liam gave a small grin and wrapped niall in his arms. "I think we both deserve an afternoon off, don't you?" He asked. Niall giggled and nodded, and Liam tackled him down onto the bed.


Once they had finished their, erm, activities, Niall gathered himself off the bed and began to hobble off towards the shower.

"Where are you going, babe?" Liam asked sleepily. "I thought we always nap after sex?"

"We do, Li," Niall promised. "And we will. After I shower. I'm leaking everywhere and I hate washing those sheets. They always get so wrinkled." He crumbled his nose cutely and walked off into the bathroom, swaying his hips much more than Liam felt was needed.

Despite how much Liam did want to strut into the bathroom and yank his mate's bum back against his own crotch, he restrained himself. Liam promised he would let Niall think things over by himself, alone for a little bit.

There was no doubt in his mind that he and Niall could do this. They were still in school, yeah, but they only had the rest of that year and they were finished. As much as Niall wanted to go to college himself, Liam doubted he would have the time. As it normally went in the odd werewolf families, the omega would stay at home and be a house wife/husband, while the alpha would support the family. It was a nice way to do things.

Liam wondered if Niall would let him do that, though. The blonde was a bit headstrong and always needed to do things on his own, which Liam didn't appreciate too much. He wanted to take care of his lover as much as possible.

Liam's thoughts were interuppted as Niall stepped out of the bathroom in all his naked glory. He couldn't help but stare a bit as Niall made his way over to him. "I'm sleeping naked, I hope you don't mind," Niall mumbled, slidding himself right into Liam's waiting arms. He didn't feel the need to respond.

Liam wrapped his own arms around Niall's waist and pressed one loving hand to his tummy before both boys fell into a deep sleep.


"How do I tell the boys?" Niall groaned the next morning. It had come to his attention as he woke that he would probably have to tell the boys as soon as possible to avoid anyone getting angry over the fact that they weren't told. He didn't exactly see why anyone would get angry over the fact that they weren't told, but they should still know as soon as possible, right?

"However you want, babe," Liam said casually, sweeping his hair to the side. "You could tell them exactly how you told me. Just blurt it out in the middle of breakfast, yeah?''

"But then if one of them gets mad, I'll have to deal with that all day!" Niall whined and crossed his arms over his chest. "You tell them," he pouted.

"I'm not telling them," Liam looked from the mirror over to Niall. "You're the pregnant one, not me. I'm not the person to run around saying 'we're pregnant, we're pregnant!'. You're pregnant. Not me. I believe you should be the one to tell them. I'll be right by your side, though."

"Chris can't have kids," Niall whispered sadly. Why he had just thought of that, he didn't know. But the thought struck him hard. ""hat is he going to do when I tell? Is he going to be mad? resentful? I don't know what to do and I feel kind of sick!" He whimpered like a kicked puppy before turning and vomiitting into the toliet, ruining the hard work of his hair.

"It'll all be okay," Liam cooed, rubbing his back. "It'll all turn out fine in the end."



i've been really hyper today and i haven't a clue why

i really have to pee

and also my back hurts

and it's tuesday tomorrow, ew

i. hate. everything.

except you guys, ily <3


oh well

[hold me close and i'll surrender to your heart]


1080 words


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