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"The last time you aimed your wand in this direction, you blew up half the mountain," Grindelwald said to Credence. The boy adjusted his grip around his wand and nodded. Grindelwald said, "This time, I want you to isolate one tree - just one - and incant the spell Bombarda. Aim your wand at one single tree, Aurelius."

Credence jutted out his new wand, the one Grindelwald had procured for him, and he stood on the edge of the balcony with his arm extended.

"Bombarda!" he cried, and his spell shot forth from the end of his wand and blasted apart a large pine tree on the distant hill. Grindelwald rubbed at Credence's shoulder reassuringly and told him,

"Well done, my boy. You will continue to learn to focus. Your training continues tomorrow. But now, we celebrate, for it is Christmas. I reckon you've never had a proper Christmas celebration?"

"Mrs Barebone didn't allow for it." Credence lowered his wand and shook his head. "She said that kind of merriment was demonic."

"Ah. Well, you're not in her clutches anymore, are you? You are safe here, with us." Grindelwald massaged Credence's shoulder a bit more and said, "Let's go inside."

The castle's expansive dining room had been set up for a grand feast, and everyone was already waiting, Grindelwald knew. They'd all been seated with name cards, and he'd been certain to ensure that Queenie was placed right beside him. Now he and Credence walked inside and up past the beautiful Christmas tree Queenie had decorated, up the winding stairs and down the corridor to the sound of low murmuring voices.

The moment he walked into the dining room, everyone stood in silent respect. Credence found his place between Carrow and Abernathy and stood there, and Grindelwald took his place at the head of the table. He glanced to where Queenie stood, looking absolutely beautiful in a burgundy velvet dress, smiling peacefully at him. He picked up the glass of red wine that was sitting near his plate, and everyone else reached for their glasses.

"My brothers and sisters," said Grindelwald warmly. "Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas," murmured everyone around the table. Grindelwald continued,

"Joyeux Noël. Fröhliche Weihnachten! A merry, happy Christmas to you all. Today we are gathered on this most festive and joyful occasion to celebrate together as a family of magical souls. We are gathered to celebrate our future and the year ahead. We have much to do. Soon we will gather in Vienna with our friends in their hundreds, and we have much preparation to do for that to be a success. But I have faith in you all. And I am richly fortunate to have you all here with me today, on Christmas Day, to celebrate all that we have done together and all that we will continue to do... For the Greater Good!"

"For the Greater Good!" cried those around the table, and everyone drank. Grindelwald sat, and as the first course of asparagus with Hollandaise sauce appeared on the plates, he reached for Queenie's left hand. She seemed surprised that he would so brazenly cover her hand with his at the dinner table, but he met her eyes and said meaningfully,

"You look marvelous."

"Thank you." She seemed breathless, and Grindelwald kept his eyes on her as he knew that gazes around the table were watching him hold her hand. He finally released her and ate his chilled asparagus. As the plates cleared and gave way to roast beef with mashed potato, Grindelwald asked,

"Vinda, is that an engagement ring I spy?"

Vinda blushed and smirked at Larsen before she nodded and said, "Oui, Monsieur."

"Congratulations." Grindelwald cut into his beef and then asked thoughtfully, "Under what authority will you be getting married?"

Larsen looked a little nervous, and he admitted,

Burned Into Gloryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें